
the 12 Days and Counting news has made me curious, since alot of people talks about fusengate "scandal"... im a newschooler @ crossfire and dont have a clue about the fusengate thing, could some1 explain it to me or gimme a link...

only this came out when i searched http://www.xfire.be/?x=news&mode=item&id=1161

Qpad CT Large Black Mousepad (Christmas offer!) 1 kpl 24.00 eur
Logitech MX518 Optical Gaming Mouse, Retail 1 kpl 43.40 eur
incoming in few days<3
n1 sherlock,
but hopefully the 12 days bust will be better :)
before that bust nobody actually knew there were priv hax or somthng and after the bust everybody was calling everyone a cheater :D
not really, people were just ignorant. just like those who keep saying "lol get pbss or no proof" fucking retarded.
tbh i didn't believe in cheaters on a higher lvl like NC or EC before the bust but now i think everyone who hasn't been on lan is potentially suspicious :D
you got the point
LAN means nothing actually. It shows that the player is good even on another comp (incase of a BYOC LAN) or when other player specs him irl (incase of a "normal" LAN). It doesn't mean he has no wh, no aimbot, etc...

+ What about if someone sucks at a lan? It doesn't make him a cheater. What about if someone sucks at 2, 3, or 4 lans? Everybody will think he's a cheater, but it means nothing.

Like mens0 said, right after fusen's busts, the cheaters hype appeared. And it's fucking annoying. Nearly noone was saying/thinking "This guy cheats!" before, and now everyone say this to anyone, or atleast think it.
noo i don't think so...
cmon imagine you meet a guy and he tells you he's is playing for barca in cl match next day. then you tell him to play against you and he totally sucks. but he is telling you "omg the ball sucks, omg i have the wrong shoes, omg the weather suck, omg the field is sucky..."...do you still think he is playing for barca?

ofc everybody can have a bad day...but those guys who play at lan are playing for years now and they have to handle such situations and must still own, but if they cheat it's clear they suck on lan...
Ok, here are two differences.

Sweden wizzel. Played only at SHGOpen, and sucked like hell.
Germany butchji. Played at Quakecon 2006, CPC2 and CDC3. He didn't play well @ CPC2 and CDC3 (No! He didn't suck, he didn't play well.) and rocked like hell at Quakecon 2006. Nearly noone talks about wizzel, everyone takes butchji as an example.
lol, they cant ban for that XD
same as having a gun is no proof for crime
and the customer names were published? who were bying hax?
Agree with jesus.
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