HQ or not?

hi all!

im testing some cfg's any codecs....so would be nice if some1 watch his short clip and response with a serious comment belong to the quality!

rapidshare mirror :/

THX! =)
not bad but perhaps 1680*1050 pixels its HD then and much nicer for my 22" :) cfg looks fine
1680x1050 is not only 16:10, but even at 16:9, 1680x945 it is still a "random" resolution

1280x720 or 1920x1080 are HD standards
Looks a lot like my movie cfg :o
Well: If it's ur first clip then i'd say it's nice.

cl_avidemo 200/300
Set to max the AA+AF
+add some color

Thats what i can say
i converted the tga with pjBmp2Avi

my very first try was cl_avidemo 200 > frame rate at pjBmp2Avi also 200 but the clip was sooo slow?!

i took 50 atm :/ ... but now works for real time (hope u know what i mean)
bullshit. Nowadays record with 200/300 at ET without any change is like newbish? plz.. there is WRAP that can help you alot and get better results.
u got to learn sooo much really. Before blaming other ppl pls learn the basics. Why is it so called bullshit to NOT use Warp and all those other tga tools?

Non of the uv movies ever used those kinda tools and yet they have been enjoyed by a huge part of the community. Now do the maths little boy :)

And if you are smart, dont try to piss me with haah zaigon sucks, the community knows better
i wont say zaigon or any uv movies sucked, because in fact they dotn sucks, but seriously, new tools (wrap and a new private one for now) are way better, smooth motion blur etc. There is no sense in take more time recording a thing that is uglier. If you compare a good wrap movie with zaigon, the motion blur is better on wrap one (in my opinion.. ofc its personal).
And you cant compare movies like this :P numbers says nothing. Zaigon is a movie with synch/edit etc.. isnt a "motion blur only" movie :P

http://www.beta-gaming.de/et/ag0n/Test%20clips/tj_radar.mp4 -> ex of a smooth motion blur (the 1st 16s) using 125 fps @ record only ;)

ps: Check maverick frag @Gr cp and check the motion blur. Compare then with a wrap / wtv movie :P
do not post things that arent true, thats all! Really u know nothing about the techniques, but you use tool to gain better motion blur (which idd is personal). Really all im asking is:

do not tell the "newcomers" its newbish to NOT use tools like warp or anything equal. Thx
just get into the facts. Its way smoother to watch a wrap movie and its faster @recording :P.

ps: my clip didnt use wrap.
ahm how can a personal opinion be a fact? Anyways maybe you can just get the fact! that it wont help newcomers to blame and laugh at them haha its newbish to do this use the uber tools ...

have a nice day
It's not "warp". :)

Quoteit wont help newcomers to blame and laugh at them haha its newbish

Isn't that how this mature community works? It's a lot easier to call someone stupid than to write something helpful. :P
not sure if it was sarcasm or not, but if not i def agree.

PS: never wanted to flame "wrap" :) just pointing out that "use this and that tool" wont help newcomers

EDIT: i finally realised i always tiped that tool wrong -.- wrap!!!
It's a word joke on the phrase It's a wrap and the fact that it's a OpenGL wrapper, so it has nothing to do with warping. :)

And the "mature" part was sarcastic, this community is too much flame and too little love. <3
any good wrapmovie? ::: D
is that a bad movie? :P wrap isnt that old
No motion blur is better than motion blur.
nah. Motion blur gives a smoother effect to eyes :P download the clip i post somewhere in the post. Its in the midle! motion blur is not in excess and is not disabled :P
I did, I still think without blur is better, it's just hard to encode.


Pez did it best, as always.

QuoteFact is that i wanted a clean and sharp image quality when i started this movie. So this meant no use of motion blur, then come the smoothness problem so that's why it's 40fps.
I've zoned as much as i could to gain bitrate on every parts and reduce the overall filesize. As in concern x264 after many tries and differents settings (and also sharing ideas with others moviemakers), the result was just giving me too much blurry big blocks which was not acceptable to me unless going into insane bitrate that not many pcs would be able to play.
dont agree at all :P @pez. Nowadays the filesize is not important since lots of ppl have unlimited downloads. I sugest you to watch a etclip without any blur. Looks rly ugly :<.
And yes, blur makes the encode harder, but its not a problem at all. Good settings can easly solve this.
No, blur is the easy way out, which is why I'll use it if I can't be bothered doing a real encode.

And thats the point, filesize doesnt matter, so why use motion blur? blur REDUCES filesize, which isn't needed anymore
What Pez said is that high FPS without blur is better than low FPS with blur, and that's true to a certain point.

Higher FPS improves smoothness without sacrificing sharpness, and with high enough FPS it looks just like what we're used to seeing when we play (no motion blur). Not everyone can play 50 FPS HD movies though, and I think you'd find that file size still matters if it suddenly doubled.

Low FPS movies is a whole different matter, they look jerky without motion blur, and using some motion blur is a reasonable compromise between smoothness and sharpness. A lot of movies have way too much blur though, especially in 1st person view clips (smooth scripted cams can have a bit more motion blur imho).
I'm on an Athlon 3000+ and I can play 1280x720 x264 back perfectly, up to bitrates of over 10000.

People just have no idea how to properly setup codecs, like some people are still using ffdshow to decode x264/h264, no wonder it's laggy :D
thats a matter of taste anyways, i hate too much blur
oki mister. anyway u suck with ur all quality tests...
thx. Lots of ppl agre with you :XDDDDDDDd
Well , that would be impossible on my gear :)

The recording of a 10 sec frag scene at 250 FPS would take around 2 h

I dont have AA or AF

And Im not using AAE :D

But imo his scene looks a lot like mine (quality)

Im rendering 5:30 min now and I will convert it with megui too see the result
This tool saves some time when recording with high FPS:

Read what it does before deciding whether to use it or not. :)

There's also a lot of helpful stuff in the Tutorials section.
I already used it in the past and I decided not to use it :)
Can I ask why?
I dont like motion blur
Quality was quite good, but it could be better. Wouldn't call it high quality.
thats why my title is: "hq or not?"
Some time ago a guy posted a short clip recorded on railgun. Damn, that was high quality. Unfortunately I can't find the link anymore :(
too bad .... would be a comparison
that was a sample of hannes his tutorial quality i think, maybe i still have it
was ag0n afaik.
it was me maybe :D

check bitmap.se comment
cool frag :D

edit: higher resolution might be better i think
Why ?

Im using 1280x720 aswell :<
1920x1080 or GTFO!!11
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