TJ Seven

Only a week left of army. It's been a one heck of a period in my life, whole thing felt like end of the world before but now when it's (almost) over, it actually feels like something worth to experience.

10 days left for the newcomers, hope you have as good time as i did ;). Don't panic, it's not end of the world...

image: mihgw9

Me preparing to shoot an enemy helicopter, which flew over our batallion headquarters .
good for you!
they could've at least taught you how to hold a gun :/

(if that's you on the pic)
i hope u are joking.. :/
no, holding it by the magazine in that way is not recommended
sitting stance is more suitable for aiming at elevated objects for supporting your hand
read moors reply to peoples.. :)
i had rk95tp <3
3 kassuaamua! =)
Nice posture, but do you really shoot hands like that :-)
Nope, my hands are like that just because i was there for a quite long time in same place, so i had to put em' in bit more relaxing position.
I thought so too, very unorthodox positioning of hands.
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