hard decision ahead

as et is slowly dieing bcuz of all cheating fags im looking forward to move to another game ! OH RLY

theres alot choises but the two im most intrested about are ET:QW & CoD4, but which one of them should i buy and start to play?

give your opinions, game company to one of them would be nice too :)))

image: 2006_03_27_jesus_loves_you
download and test them urself, cod4 imo x)

1st btw

COD4 would be better imo!
wait for battlefield 3165
The Cheater thing in ET is overhyped. Leaving ET right when maybe all nc customer are busted?! Doesn't sound logical...
ET isnt dead! ...but I was thiiis close to not to pay attention to another shit-journal.. Just had to say thisxd
nc only has few competive playing retards so guess u felt for their propaganda of controlling ET with their cheats.
Doesn't it mean the same, whave I've written above?!

mens0 on 27/12/07, 19:54:54 Del | Edit | Reply

I guess. But there aren't that many cheaters on the high level, how some guys think.
I am even more confused now. Didn't u say I am believing in their propaganda there would be tons of nc customer, especially on the skilled level? Actually I meant the Cheater problem in ET is overhyped as there are many less Cheater, especially on EC level, than the most would expect.
"Leaving ET right when maybe all nc customer are busted?! Doesn't sound logical..." - that thing shouldnt change a thing for the way ET is at the moment so..
I think ET is now more alive than ever... When did a 1day 3on3 cup gets 70 signups in few hours earlier?

Also there have been many cups recently, and they always get full !
3on3 is alive, 6on6... dead
6on6 has never been alive to me
et pärjää ? :<
en tykkää

turhaa spämmimist, eikä siin ees tarvita pahemmin aimii, kun pitää vaan poraa
3on3 peleis ees tarvi aimii -.- Leanii vaa ja medipäkkii alle
Riippuu mapista, mut kyl 3on3 eniten aimii tarvii. Koita 2on2 joskus, se on kauheet kämppimist
pubi > 2on23on34on45on5
kyl pubi on ihan jees yleensä kunhan joka ukko ei vedä pasul

harvemmin sitä vaa nykyään ehtii pubittamaa
I would say CoD cuz ET:qw... U know
Cod 4 forsure since Quakewars sucks crosbys balls.
qw > et > cod4 so should be easy
cod4 fosho
i lol when i hear about et dying and mass-cod4 playing . tbh cod4 will die in short period of time .Why ? because priv nC hacks for cod4 are really cheap - about twice cheaper than et cheats . So lets assume that amount of cod-4 cheaters is doubled , but dont forget there are many more pple playing cod than et . So that means .... A LOT OF FUCKING CHEATERS - GAME OVER :XD
so fucking retarded mentality u have there, but what can u expect from a lowlife scum lke u? :DDDDDDDDDD
look whos speaking !:O i know logical thinking is for u some kind of arcane magic
ure thinking logically? HAHAH :DDDDDDDDDDD
thats what i said . in COD4 even polaks can afford to buy priv hax because of its low price ;]
... read the post, really.
do u think first et priv hacks were undetected ? its only a matter of time and price wont change so much
believe me, it wont stay undetected long. and it's illegal to code hacks for such a game like cod4 btw :P
oh whole valve supporting cs and hl games is coded to death ... so whats the difference of cod4
i cba to answer, you just dont get it.
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