
its 03:44 and i just sit here and not even tired :S..

i cant sleep so bored!!

i will try again xD

nite :D
-=< L o e k i n o >=-
i think my football manager 2008 game just crashed
idle our channel :(
haha I got that too somethimes :)
how can we be no lifers if your still up aswell xDDDDDDD
lol it's 12:55 :s, I just woke-up :p
bed?! (5 comments)
Posted by tekn0 on Saturday 29th December 2007, 05:02
gn8 dude and join to #team-chile =)))) have a good night, im going to the bed to cya ^^
Final Fantasy? <3
kheb alleen 7/9 gespeelt op playstation <3 beste game :D
kheb de rest nooit gespeelt dus kken neit oordelen erover :X
mjah FF7/9 heb ik echt zn 1000 uur aan besteed en iets van 5x opnieuw gespeelt xD
:P net zolang doorgespeelt totdat ik alleen maar lvl 99 characters overhad :X
nolifers ;=)
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