Poker Success

After seeing this thread and noticing that Finland kotkis has made $800,000 this year playing online poker, it got me wondering, are there any other former top ET players doing this well? I've seen a lot of people from quake/other gaming backgrounds have success so it could be that ETers are too. Only other player I've seen playing high is BuLL, anyone else?
real money? :o
well i play but im random :<
i am retardedtired
havent played in a while :\ But 800000 is pretty nice <:D
why should top ET players do better in poker?


real life poker > online poker
Because top ET players have the required skills to be successful at poker, the determination/concentration and decision making skills. Poker and FPS games aren't that different in the way that you need to make fast decisions based on the current situation. There is definitely strong correlation between being successful at poker and other computer games, although there will obviously be exceptions.
fast decision? :X
I bet you are the person that could draw connections from an elephant's alimentary system to the ongoing struggle of Palestinians and Israeli.
And I bet you will never ever be successful at poker, but hey, I am playing a betting game..
No offense, but that comment made absolutely no sense due to my absolute ignorance towards poker.
But what he said is true, although there will obviously be exceptions.
Somehow I don't think Sweden fuchs is going to be the next United States of America Phil Hellmuth! :P There are many exceptions to your point.
lol you must be joking

biggest naabs @ ET can be godlike in poker..

Go and tell ur dumb story @ the world series of poker and they will roflol

"pro gamers & you poker gods have a lot in comment"

Gamesense is the basic in almost any shooter and has nothing to do with Poker strategy/decisions

"biggest naabs @ ET can be godlike in poker.."

So where are they? Give me some names... Is it coincidence that the only players that have replied here with poker success are eurocup players? From your 'tell it to the WSOP' reference I understand your view of being godlike in poker is completely off. Winning a high stakes MTT like the WSOP events does not make you godlike. Playing half a million hands with consistent profit makes you godlike at poker. Winning $500 in one night doesn't.

"Gamesense is the basic in almost any shooter and has nothing to do with Poker strategy/decisions"

ET strategy involves decision making and fast thought processes, so does poker, how are they not connected in some way?
theres no way that that story will ever stick without the proper sources, mathematical decisions and the ability to think in spatial distances and speeds are proven to be completely different mental processes. And no i dont have a source for that but i have studied psychology :)
Your taking online poker success to be purely mathematical though, when it isn't at all. Yes its obviously a huge part but there are other, reading players for instance.
it are all numbers, no emotions. Reading online players is nothing more than seeing patterns in bets, calls and folds. Knowledge of the opponent makes it easier to find a pattern, and faking patterns makes the game interesting.
FPS games and decision making? Hah, try a RTS.

Poker is more comparable to WoW than FPS games, mainly because of the giant luck factor.
nice, i never played poker, i will sign up now
impressive :)
lol u call that impressive check my poker history just search for S1xtuS
bull is a skillfaker @ poker ! he got owned by plu at cdc3
$800,000 ?
cmon that would be a new moneymaker
Are you saying it's fake? Believe me theres a huge difference between winning 1 live tournament for millions, and playing 300k hands at cash games. Kotkis has 10x more skill than moneymaker has.
i don't quite know if it's fake or not i just wanted to say that you can actually count him to the real pro-pokerplayers, if this all is true...but 800k seems kinda too good to be true :p
This is not fake and he already is a professional poker player. Just because its online and not some televised luckfest doesn't make it any less believable.
Maybe he cheats?!
nah, can't even imagine about those sums yet, but I've had a pretty good start :p

started playing 2 months a go with 40 euros deposit and have made it to 550 euros now

playing PLO50 cash tables mostly
did you buy/read a book/online tutorial (saw tons of them when i has been searching for some deeper poker's explanations) before starting ? would like to start earn back some money from all the nights i waste ..
yup, before I started playing at all I read finnish book from Aki Pyysing called Pokerin Käsikirja (eng. Poker Manual). after that I've read Theory of Poker and Poker for Advanced Players from Sklansky, Omaha Poker from Ciaffone and Hold'em Poker part 1 from Harrington. currently I'm also reading Phil Gordon's Little Green Book.

also I'm discussing a lot of hands with my friends and reading few forums regulary to improve my play and find new ideas
as i can understand playing poker really needs dedication and it would be hard to earn some money from time to time while im geeking at my PC, right ? guess i'll start playing some freeroll for some weeks (month ?) and put in a few euros once i get some knowledge.

Could you somehow, tell me how much you invested in this 'hobby' (learning time and game cash itself) ?
Sick graph..
I'm mostly playing 4$/180 players on pokerstars these days, making decent money and trying to break it up to the 20$ ones. But well, that's really nothing compared to kotkis :D
I have won some money, but I can´t keep playing on higher level, I always have to withdraw my winnings to pay my bills =(

So little money only, until I don´t have to make withdraws...
1k $, only 799k $ to go :P
just won 8€
i dont dare to start i bet i would become addicted
i know a lot of people who lost all their money and stuff with poker :/
Summ3L is making an absolute fortune also (or one of the old iN chaps)
and where does he play? (which poker app i mean)
That's sick.
omg this is really impressive
i wish i was addicted to poker
300$ bankroll now. I had 50$ 2 weeks ago
Divided by the people they come from it probably didn't hurt that much, just like with lottery.
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