Some Thoughts....

As i felt asleep at 7:00 at morning, i just woke up @ 15:20..

I had some thoughts today as i were asleep, so i woke up.

I thought about the Telekenetic Skills, which EVERY Human has! (believ me or not)..
I thought about the Bibel and Jesus.
I thought about Levitating yourself.

I would like to Quote one or two Situation which every of you knows, from the Bible.

"Jesus walked over a See"
"Jesus healed People"

Did you ever heared about QiGong Healer in China? Using their Chi to heal people? Did you ever Thought about Shaolin Monks, whats happing if they control their Chi that it flows into her fist, and smashing your face? Maybe you did...

So Jesus walked over a See - you can find some Techniques to Levitate yourself, highskilled Telekenetic only - but it can be that easy to walk over water, i tell you why later.

Jesus healed People - : IF JESUS EXISTED IN THE EARLY YEARS , he was abled to control his CHI flow. He was just on the Higher Level with his Mind, doing Chakra Meditations or whatever. In my Oppinion this is also true.

My Theory about Telekinetic Skills:

Everything in our Live, is like a Whole Sea. Everything we See - whatever- consists of ATOMS. So these Atoms swimming in a Sea. I can see my Paper infront of me, consisting of Atoms, myself consisting of Atoms - JUST EVERYTHING. Its our Mind that creates the "borders". Our mind thinks were humans, we cant interact with objects, but thats the wrong thoughts. THE WORLD IS THE SEAOF ATOMS. EVERYTHING IN HERE IS JUST LIKE A SEA, INCLUDED HUMANS.

Theory 2

There are magnetic fields everywhere in the World. For Example Radioactiv.. We cant see them, and dont feel them, but we can make them seeable with Electronics. So, we can build up an magnetic field with a objectiv ans us. 2 Magnetic field into 1.

So thats how People can move Objects, and maybe walk above Water.

These are just Theorys, because NOONE EVER knows yet, how Telekinese Skills works exactly. Before any Physic Student writes his Crap down like "HaHa it cant be because the Scientific theory tells us a other way blablablalba.... - pls dont write it down, and just fag off".

Smth i have to say in the End:

It sound so Freaky like we live in a unfinished Matrix. But if you accept the Reality, its no problem for you. ITS JUST NORMAL.

And yes im 100% in my mind, i use no drugs or anything..Believ it or not, if you want to know more just PM me.
2Long2Read, Soz
You lost me @ "As i felt..."
really interesting tbh, i think i had the same dream
how dare you to defile this holy place and make demands, heretic ? You reek of sin! Kneel before me and be cleansed.
wieso habe ich mir das blos durchgelesen ich wusste dass es scheisse ist:D
I only understood theory #1, but I don't see how that has anything to do with "telekinesis".

Oh and I have heard about those chinese magic healers or something, but I've never believed any of those stories to be true. Feel free to educate me.
too bad my comments are always as meaningful as yours >:D
When I was reading your journal and read about some theory, it was still interesting, then I saw the word jesus.
and I instantly quit reading :) disappointing journal imo
it was just an example whit jesus...has nothing to do if think about jesus or not...
what the fuck? i stopped reading half way through
Please use your chi to make sure CDC4 runs smoothly
jesus was a progamer
you fucking sick nerd!
why did u write this last sentence ? it would be my reply -.-'
hast du ein buch von "Jan Van Helsing" gelesen oder was?
das ist doch ein film oder nicht? :/
gut dass ich auch jan van helsing geschrieben hab dummes kind
Da packt er die Photoshop Skillz aus, sehr 3st die Leute aus Serfaus(t) XD
zum jahresende nur das beste!! :D
i believe everything except the jesus part
When I think of you it feels like im levitating <3
in your theory#1 how would you say interaction takes place, we can move our bodies by will, yet everything is just a sea, a concious sea which we all move around a little by a little, like a single organism? Or are we merely spectators of something we think we control (partly)
In my Oppinion we move our body by Telekinetic. If you got Experiences in Telekinetic, you talk with people and they say "What were doing when we move our body? We just do it! - Do that same in Telekinetic!"

For the Sea theory: We can move every single atom in that sea, because were one with them (The Sea). Its likely you said in your first part.

Its hard to understand, i would explain it better in German, but i think you got it, what i mean.
so what are we? A consious amount of electricity?
Well, that's interesting you write there FlixX.
I suggest you should watch a few things about Quantum Physics as well:

And then watch some of Richard Dawkins' lecture at TED:
They discussed about Moving Objectivs with these Theorys etc. in a German Forum which im Activ in.

They were so many discussions, but noone ever knows how it realy works.

The only thing i can do atm let a Burned Candle Dance.

These Theorys are just there for endless Discussing things.
The Point is that noone Yet knows if Telekinetic is real, or not, no Theory, nothing... For me its real, use Tutorials and practice it day by day 1 Hour. If you find out new experiences, tell me your "Theory" about it.
according to String Theory it is possibly, but HIGHLY improbable :P
Isnt that Jesus guy that invented some treatment for acne?
god doesn't exist so your whole theory failed
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