Ok So! Exams on the way! only 1 week left for .X.! and myself..
We decided, that today is NOT! i repeat, NOT the day to study! We did not have the will to study today:( and i have soooo much studying to do in the next 6 days, we just couldnt be arsed today;(

almost first!
nice that u are 2 cool 2 add me as buddy .. fucker !
there you go, emo;<
nice idea!
but don't make it this day as a routine!
gl with the following exams :)
btw: how do you say .X.!'s name? always wondered about that :/
dot capital letter X dot exclamationmark
I tell him to revive me i just say "Hey dot IEKS dot exlamation" Heal me plz
mm most people just say ieks the one and only owner of enemy territory
isen vanavond weer!
Same for me but with 2 weeks :<
i have to study a lot too :X

we have 1st week after holidays " Wiederholungswoche" :(

something like 33 exams about the whole year in 1 week :X
i have to learn chemistry and goddamn i have so fucking no clue
Epic game, loved it.
got it too. My first starts at 10th of january
Have nearly nothing done till now :o
lol who is DARK LORD YOSHI ? :P XD
(left side)
same here

refusing to study today
I used to have it laying around here somewhere, but i sucked badly in it, so playing would be useless :D
Will it work with a burned copy? I might consider doing so :D
It's the full version I suppose
Filesharing host is fucking it up, but I'm trying to.

Got it working, just give me 2 hours, thanxu :D
same here.. but i think tomorrow is also noit the day to study.. and they day after tomorrow.. and after after tomor... :x
Yep so at the end of the holiday you still didn't do anything.
gl isen & .X. ;D!
need to study too but i am swimming in laziness :/ good luck with your exams
hahaaha poor students :-p
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