
How many do you spend on the fireworks..??

I bought for €65,- .. and you?

None, because it's waste of money!
but beter i drunk 4 this money =}
zero (stole em from all from local restaurant)
around 70€
none just let other ppl buy them, they aint that good either.
its not like my parents paid it
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0$ better drinking beer:)
My lifestory about this day..

Drinking beer soon Beer Beer Beer
Round a clock round 12.00 bo0om boom 2008 drinking Red Wodka redbull the allnight long! :)Lekah waky
15 Euro pack, including several stuff, from Aldi! :D
nice 1
i bought 12,5 gramm marokanisches piece
0€ but 2 L vodka + 1 L korn x)
igitt korn :D
geht durch :p
0 zl - wastage of money
1,5 L wodka( bison grass vodka aka zubrowka + bols )
1,5 l is kinda not enough. or are you doing some egoparty?
better spend your money on alc omgz
My list for tonight is:
3x Wolga Vodka 0.75l 17.79 E
2x Tell Beer Tenpack 7.75 E
3x Crannberry Juice 4.47 E
ik heb shising crackers gekocht!!!
no fireworks for me, but

image: gutmannweiz
image: 189_0
30 euro aan shocks :P + baileys + red label
there are 200 butterflies in my house ;)
0 €
Last year burned my hand so this year no fireworks, except this. firework
i bought 2 grams of fireworks in my head
Bought with 4 friends: 500 euro...
and it was stolen last night!

zomg, idk
I got fireworks from belgium :D
Me from Germany ;p
50 Betonstrijkers ^^
Ik heb 120 nitraten :') 15 Super Vlinders 4 Lawinepijlen.
well we are with 8 of us and all paid 10 euro and i got my firework in antwerpen :P i got this big ass rocket lOLOLOl its fucking huge
nothing i dont like it
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