Tonight is going 2!

Tonight = hard drunking :D

image: 10872

And you..
What are you doing then
not getting hangover, really dont want that like last year
Razz FTW!!
going to bed @ 23.00 put some things in my ears so I wont hear the firework and ill wake up @ 10 in the morning.
You make a joke or..
im serious... there is a 1day cup on jan 1st.. need to get enough sleep to play well in that cup.
inet serious buzniz o:
gotta love bacardi <3

tho, im not going anywhere else than some racket party and then hangover @ home, damn i just love it when i accepted to help my dad moving on eesti
NzZ find me in irc
drunking like you said
4 of my friends are coming.. every1 with girlfriend except me x)

happy new year :d
you can ask them for a slice
i heard s.o. call sth that sounds like my name?
chille bij het noord AA duh
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