Geek Year?

Anyone EMOing home like me?
I have no mood to celebrate this fucking year and the following.

And you?

(my friends will kill me [wtf i cant say i have no mood now] i always put them off. already 17 unreceived calls)
just tell ur sick :c
Hi Mr. Popular
hf my friend <3

sad about your girl and stuffs but live goes on !

same to u m8!

ye its all coz my girlfriend... lol i made her a letter and wrote only open it @ luxemburg... contains a 3 paper letter + DVD with some personal stuff + 50 euro (thats why i say dont open it here, coz she would refuse it. but she really needs it i know)
life goes on :<

have a nice night ;)
alcohol doens't care about your mood
wow 17 calls your so cool

I just pretended to be afk on MSN all day, I don't have a phone.

17 calls / 2 person ...i m not famous, just have good friends!
ah, mine are beginning to realise that I dont care!
I watched your quakewars key movie again, twas v. good :D
When will you announce those new busts ? omgaash, do it today ! Great day for that !
I didnt even win anything :(

It was easily the funniest thing made by a crossfire member all year! If it isn't included in a review of 2007 crossfire I'll be mifffffffed! :(
btw, just go celebrate
i sometimes have that 2, then i go and had a good time =)
edit: cant talk english :(
just go drink with your mates and gtfo the fucking internet.
nice edit
i have to go to work tomorrow thats 10 times worse, stop crying
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'----"HAPPY NEWYEAR 2008!"----'
same, its all a load of bollocks and a waste of time and money if you ask me... same as xmas, birthdays and easter
I am going at 11.00 to the bar where some of my friends are and im coming home at 12.30. I hate how busy new years is, and I hate how much it costs, I'm going there to please 1 person who nagged and nagged me.

I agree with all of the above, bah humbug to new years
Same here.. Will have some Tullamore with friends. Never have celebrated this bullshit (like xmas also) and never will.
I'm always in a bad mood with new year, so this year I decided to stay at home. Just watch some movies or TV and eat and drink a bit. Happy new year dudes!
Rly, Tell them your sick and get wasted alone
tbh I feel a little bit like that -.-
for me, 2007 was teh nolife year....
back from work and fucking tired will decide soon what to do :/
same here, except they pissed on me :<
I hate new year. ²many happy people :l
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