just back, want to die.

so im back from the dancing. Ended drinking @ 12 :/
I puked near fucking hot girl after I had drunk champagne (some) after 0.5 of vodka (Only some at least, got to toilet later and wasnt really drunk. Had to go change clothes and lost that 00h :|). Its my first time I did it in last.. 1 year? How sucky :/

zomg i could Drunk 0.7 without eating whole day (polish student) without it and did it near the girl. FUCK.

And I had a fight, but the guy was that drunk that he fallen down before I hit him

[my friend wanted to kill me when he saw his trousers, at least he was to drunk and slept in my hause;))]

And it looks like my head is going to explode.

How did you spend that night?
made one -92 born girl pregnant i guess
u too babe, what name should we give her?
it was rly nice night, but end wasnt so nice - I am at work atm:(
omg...this sucks...work day after new year party :-s
Jap!Didint sleep at all so i am dying here, and trying to be more sober xD
lol...i slept 8 hours...and i still want to get to bed again...but im not doing this...because im used to get up early on 1st january...even if here is now almost 12...but everybody is sleeping...so im up first :>
you could take some sun galsses...put them on...then back up your head with one hand(to look like thinking on something)....and then get some sleep :XDDD
ok ok:) but here we have - 6 and snow so sun glasses doesnt fit:) and i cant war it in hotel xD
a...not cOol...work sucks...damn...especially in moments like this :<
rly wanna go to bed, i am dreaming about my beauty sleep:D heh
only 8 hours and work wil be done:)
seriously guys help me my head is hurting so much but my stomach is even worse...i slept for 2h now but i can't sleep anymore my stomach hurts so fucking much but i don't have to puke or anything omfg i wanna die... :(
but still the night was best ever!! until 4.00 or something since then it just not nice anymore :((
you don't want to know...
Ha! Just woke up to drink some water. Slight hangover coming up, I can feel it. Hasn't hit yet, though.

Had a nice new year! Out with m8s. Champagne, clubs -- the usual. Have to admit that the end of the night is a bit fuzzy, but hey, it was new year!
Drank loads, partied till 7 O'clock, went to bed, came out @ 11 O'clock.
night was kinda Taratino movie, very wired stuff happend xD
pregnant girl incoming!
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