Does anyoneeeee...

...have to work today?

I am at work atm and rly dying here, after a new year party with my <3 Me isnt even rly sober yet so my work looks so funny xD ok, i wil try eskape from this lil prison:(
Uber buba.
Hey hey misku :P
image: mis_placze
poor you :(
i wanna dance nooooow night was too short and i'm fucking sick but nvm gimme some nice house!!!
LolLLzZlzZ Youz Lookzz lLike Fzasolkaaz
unexpected! I am Fasolka! xD
where!? where!? :>
Wicked shit everywere!
not working but gonna study for tommorrow`s exam almost same ;(
Almost making rly big difference xD u are not in prison, can go aut whenever u want ;) and i have to spend here almost another 8 hours form my life:)
i'll cry for you tonight
i will apreciate this! xD
poor girl xD
thats not funny! really:( uber buba for me:(
#3rd tht!
don't mention the word "work" please, I'm still blocking that thought. Tomorrow I will have to go to work again :-( :-'(
poor u:( tommorow i have free day xD ok i am evil girl today ;)
I'm a good sport, I'm happy for you that you have the day off tomorrow, but nevertheless I hoped I had the rest of the week off
you have teh internets in da work you must be happy :)
Sorry but no
How are you babe?
hej hej:) good but sleepy as hell:) how was ur silvester night?:)
It was full of knives and fireworks. So I'm a bit tierd today! :)
I think I'm gonna get some breakfast! Yes vargen, you are so smart getting breakfast!

I'm off. Your sexy!
o: thats sad, at least i work in a licor store, and its closed @ 1 januari
za leniwa jestem
bidulka ;<
HH#H#H#H#H#H#H#H#H HE TURNED 18 ON 26-11 , you can give it to him :D
MUAHAHAHHAHAAHA, put your sound on vent on m8
...... lets do 3o3
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