Torrent problem

Hellow, im downloading stuff for the interwebs trought torrents. Im wondering Why am i getting only 18 seeds when theres 50 of them in no use. How to get em all

The torrents status is 50 seeds 0(1<---THATS ME) leechs
firewall probably.
Are you sure?
im not sure. but i know that firewall blocks the access for some of the seeds.

i played around with the settings and i got mine fixed. cant rly help you out here. google probably would help u more
I dont even have program control ON at my firewall so
yea i said im not sure. in my case the firewall played its part. + had to change the TCP/IP limit's. and changed some more stuff which i cant remember of. just try google :)
aint firewall suppose to block all the seeds if it causes problems?
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