It's been a while...

I am proud owner of a Wii system so allow me to say Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
You all dont care, but i care, im installing it tonight as i could pick it up yesterday afternoon from the store...

Anyway, any wiii buddies who wanna share their wii number with me ? :D

how much did u pay for it?
Enough :D , 235 Euries
wii = pretty gay
Location: Loekino's Love Island
you should get one if you havent yet
i game for fun not because i wanna "move" so ill just stick to my pc + xbox360
like u need to move in every game
u can also play the most games without "moving"
image: img?s=MLB&f=58666146_6271
i already get tired watched the tv adds from the wii

edit: just saw the pic \o/ well its the point of the wii "moving" so why would i get a wii when i can do the same on my xbox360 with better graphics and good online stuff \o/
cause its not all about the graphics :p

image: img_840c083c9f72ba1716f147fc70a97682

pic related
There is a reason why some gay people call me ANALconda imo :/ :p
Haha, zalig :D
aww thats awful mobbing ;<
/selfkill plz
gz,it ownz
Wii is cool, only ours broke :< CD-reader can't read anymore, so bye-bye Wii for 6 weeks or so =(
make a wii clan!
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