New wolfenstein game

So, after reading TosspoT's column where he mentioned the next part of the Wolfenstein series to be released in 2008, I thought about gahtering all information we got right now. At least for me this is interesting cause I do not know very much about the new game. The things I already know are listed below. Would be nice if anyone who knows something could post this, so I may add it to the list:

- Name: "Castle Wolfenstein" / "Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2"

- Developers: Raven Software and Threewave

- Release Date: XX.XX.08

- Engine: Doom3?

- Platforms: XBOX360, PC, (PS3?)

- Logo: image: 817kfiu image: 02e1d4a3de2b42d5faec44fec164bt

- Concept Screens:
If it was on Doom 3 engine it would suck probably
- Platforms: XBOX360, PC, (PS3?)

should be more: XBOX, PS3 ( PC?? MAYBE )
Well after seeing ET:QW becoming a flop, this could be possibly come true. Guess console games are more profitable.
is it a flop?
Look at CoD4.
CoD 2 didnt used to have a retarded community like ET and they always had a larger community.
They switched completly to CoD 4.
If it was only the community which bought the new game, CoD4 would as well be a flop. It's just a nice game and it's bought by a lot of casual gamers.
i never said it's not a good game.
just tried to explain why cod4 seems to bit more successfully than etqw
You might be right about the different community, but what I wanted to say was, it sells better cause it's just a better game, I guess ;D And the mass of costumers which define a game as a flop is never the competitive community, it's the casual gamer.
it rly must pwn imo coz its been taking em so long..but what ive heard of already is that its et:qw like :( and i dont like that
Where did you hear it?
some ppl have been talking about it on crossfire, dno if its true or not tho. :/
"coz its been taking em so long" like et qw
developed on the xbox 360, np.

even the pc version is developed on the 360, i think.
they'll move the publishing time 2 years and then finally quit it to be able to make some shitmaps for some shitgame
i hope :
- its no futureshit like et:qw...
- its not a slow game like css ( movement etc..)
- quake engine
- hope that we still need 3 hs for a kill and not like css with luckshots ...
agreed :P ET with better gfx and more maps n stuff XD
The only movie released, where they show concept art, proves that the setting is WW2.
ET movement n stuff, new maps, a bit better graphics, + CSS guns & spread n stuff LoL!

aka modern ET !
A mix of RtCW and Wolf: ET would be better (on q3 engine @ CoD4 modification).
i hate spread n stuff xD

@ css i stay in front of an enemy and shot 20 bullets at his head and he doesnt die lol
that's because you suck :P
aww..i could bet its because of the game :D:D:DDD

busted :X
you have to put your mouse down xD nub
thats gaaay xD imo he should be dead if the crosshair is at his head and i click mouse1 xD
fuckin el, so this is actually coming out?
we hope so :D
fuckin w0000000 :D
i think their making their own engine. its being developed primarily for 360
Doom 3 engine is a rumer but its getting stronger and i pray its not true :<
lil site might find some lil bits
i lol'd at the any new news part on that page :D latest comment on 23 June 2006 :D
lol, alas the news has run dry.
i found this video :/

nothing serious tbh.

i liked this comment tho: ''with the new xbox hardware we're gonna be able to create a world that has never been seen before by gaming community'' ^^
Concept screens from the trailer:

Interview with Roger Avary about the Wolfenstein movie:
those look nice. but if they actually get made aswell like that...that would just be PERFECT :)
If it's D3 engine, the game will never be perfect. Let's wait and see.
true :/ but they seem to be proud of their xbox hardware(whatever that is)...that might improve the outcome hopefully :)
there are some videos around the web also....
havent seen any that is about the gameplay or has any footage of ingame?? if u've seen anything then give us the URL(s) plz :)
They should ask our community since we want to play that game. Am I right?
agreed! if they would ask the community i recon they might have more success :)
tbh we should write a list of what makes Wolfenstien so good to keep and some other good things to add, get everyone to sign it then send to id and a serperate one for raven (for the online material) :)

But really what would make it perfect would be RTCW + Super high graphics... like airborne :D
imo its to late for that:(
Go Go Wolfenstein 2!!
probably another fuck-uped game :(
dont give up yet :(
doom3 engine . nothing to expect for me anymore :o
ei ole doom3 engine, siin räägitakse et doom3 engine. info ytleb aga et täiesti uus engine/hardware tuleb kasutusele :P loodan rohkem sellele

kui jääks doom3 engine..siis poleks loomulikult midagi uut oodata :/
ma vaatasin selle youtube video 2ra ja suht oksele ajas :D

hmmmm yep ;) nice game good game yepyepyeppyeppye ^^
näeb parem välja kui et siiski
pls keep q3 and et engine :(
otherwise i guess it's gonna stink like QW...
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