mp3 stores

Hi, I guess I am going to buy me an mp3 player.

What I need :

A cheap shop with shipping over europe

thx in advance :-)
buy a zune!

edit: have to agree on the phone
get a cellphone
get a mobile which can play mp3 believe me it's better because you dn't have to waste batteries and they are fucking expensive
(there are also mp3 with a rechargeable battery)

but I have to agree, get a sony ericsson walkman mobile
you can also just buy rechargeable batterys but they don't last so long and with time they loose their "capacity"..
so better get a mobile
buy an iphone; its an iPod, a phone, and an "Internet communications device."
and so cheap
Sony sucks, fucking sonic stage shit !
but i can listen 50 hours music with one charge^^
Same here, I got sony also. But it's annoying, need to open laggiest program in world to add some songs, which is crashing every 2mins :S
not really , you have some problem then, install sp2
nah, I use my phone if I need to listen music =)
got a samsung SGH E-900 , it's fine for music.
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