02-01-1989 / 02-01-2008

Yeah people your reading it very well:D!
And its not wat you think that it is. Cause i ain't dead!

I just got a year older 2 day!

For the people that can't count i have become 19!

And i also want to wish everybody from this community a happy new year and may all your wishes to become a pro in ET come true:D!

So we have some nice team's back on the rails to give us some subleme action on Gamestv.org:D!

Comment on:D!
Or flame on its my b-day i don't care:D!

''And i know my english sux but i got a reason for that:D Called dsylexia or how do you ever write it in english:P!''

''And yeah i'm not famous so not everybody will know me so keep the who comments for your self:P''

''And thanks to the people that wishes me the best and happy b-daying me:D''
najs, happy birthday.
bajs birthday,
Happy birthday! May loads of good things happen for you in the upcoming year!
lol Domi!

thats not wat i tought but maybe your right:P!
no no, just dont know him!
Allot of people don't know me thats true:D!
But they still give me a nice comment(A)!

And that is a nice b-day present already from does people:D!
you seem to be a nice guy.

That's wat allot of people don't know yet.

They only will discover that when chatting with me or reading stuff from me:D!

But your first comment with who? didn't broke my heart luckly:D!

But thanks allot mate i know for sure that your a nice guy ether;)!

Cause you life on the Loekino love island:D!
Free beer and Bbq! and allot of partying:P!
i invented the free bbq!
Maybe invent free condoms(6)!

To stimulate the save sex on such a nice love island:D!
great idea.
You need to give me a record for that invent huh:D

And don't forget to tell me when it got introduced:D!
I've played few times against you, when you played whit moff and that another finnish guy, jeti?

Had that 5 man panza frag against fc, or whatever it was called :)


Yeah that where like the old times:D!

You will see me now playing still with moff and jeti and some others you might not know under the name G.spot;)!

Check you out later;)
Yup, Old good times when I played ET, Now I'm bit inactive because of "real life"
haha maat, same bday as me :D.
Happy b-day to you also then mate :D! My girl is also become 18 to day on this day:D!

Its nice to see that i'm not the only guy here that has a shitty date to have a b-day:P right after the new year!
and u m8 :D, oo nice, congratz to her :p.

Ye ano, :p you taking your girl out for meal?
Lol i already spend allot of money on her present:D!

She gets a nice golden ring with a neckless:D!

And i just got a nice e-card from her that she is taking me out for dinner:P

Will congratz her for you:P maybe you give you number and she congratz you tru phone:P

hf today mate;)!
ohhh V nice m8 :D, well hope the relationship goes well :D.

haha i would but mijn nederlands is stront :D :p.

u hf also mate :p ;)!
That will cost no problems:D!

I mean she can speak Dutch,German, France, English!
She is way smarter then me:P

I hope that the relation will hold this year last year it kind failed after the holidays :(!

Buts since 6 weeks again where back together:D!
wow :p, V smart :), i can speak a lil dutch, kleine french and English :D.

ah ok :), well all the best towards the relationship going alles goed :).
Rest In Peace
Will do when i become 80 years old or so:D!
hb mate =D
happy birthday maxi you bitch!!

Lol dude!

Love you 2:D!
happy bday! have a nice day
Happy birthday maxi bitch :D Hope it's a nice one!

<3 you!
Thanks mate:D!

Its already nice now you have commented:D!

It will also be great, heading of to my girl this midday.

Will be back after i have had a dinner with her:D!

Love you 2 dude!
With R.ock I. P.arty thats a must:D!
=DD hb ((=
Happy Birthday!

maxi > m4xi :( but hé <3!
Heey mate:D!

i will make a great birthday today!

your kidding me i haven't played against you in like more then 6 month's so i think you have had a skill boost so it will be m4xi > maxi:D!

But in the love nobody is to beat:D<3!
i ve heard that the santa claus for this year is powered by nC...
perhaps u r right with ur wish

My wish for this year is that people that are cheating or have cheated that they come back on earth with there mind and that they try and play like everybody does.

And that is the normale way:D!

So no more nC shit!
Burn nC!!!!!!
they you still got ETX, ETH?
i have never used any cheats:D!

and also will not even try to use cheats;)!
Happy B-day :) ... bitch xD
Heej mate thanks:D!

Why everybody from g.spot says biatch:P!

Your all my bitches<3!
i started it!! xD
From "Busted" with love

happy birthday
congratz björn :D another year older and another year closer to death! :D
And a year closer to kick your ass sometimes when you come with your bloody ass to boekel in NL!

Cause when i see you then i will kick your ass very hard!
Happy Birthday Maxi!
enjoy ur presents and ur birthday !
it could be ur last ;o
I hope and i don't think that this will be my last b-day :D!

but anyway thanks dude:D!
hb m8 ;)
Hey mate

thanks we need to play a game again sometime;)!
well well well, i hevent played ET recently, im lil bit busy, but maybe maybe ;)
hehe die maxi :P
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