Malta closes in on the rest of europe!

It is now possible to buy coca-cola in PLASTIC BOTTLES!!!!

Previously you had to buy it in 1 litre glas bottles that weigh 1kg-coke+1kg bottle!

And Malta also switched to euros!

AAANND Malta is also the country that is the worst at celebrating new years eve... no fireworks even though it is legal :(((
coca cola in plastic is so 2weeks ago :P
glass bottles are easier to recycle :X
Sounds like a shitty country :-D
'shitty country' is totally immature and rude expression, you should say DEVELOPING COUNTRY instead!
you were so open back in the day :'(
i noticed when i went to malta with my school xD
rly? i thought it would be cool celebrating new years eve there...
and nice one with the euros.... those lira's or whatever sucked :<
maltese lira is history now :[
thank god!
tourism will go up now imo :o
they shoot fireworks 24/7 during the summer... but barely any on new years eve.. They got it all wrong imo!
i dont care about the works of fire :d
its fine like it is
lots of accidents due to homemade fireworks in november >: could be the reason
lold \o/
u cant have it all
he says it all
CocaCola glass bottles > *
u got the most cheapest alcohol, nude beaches and everything... u need to stop complaining man!


ps. säg hej för nilsii!
Olla hyväää!

Yeh dont get me wrong, malta owns, but now its even better with euros etc... Oh and coke in plastic bottles (you can also get it in little plastic bags from any taxidriver)

heheh good to hear :) Here in finland they are about to have plastic-funkys joining the army-forces in 5 days... Well see when i get the chance to taste cola for the next time :(
coke ? in a plastic bag ?
it is a different kind of coke!! think real hard :D
i guess they launch the fireworks upsidedown
mmm i guess there are no good launch sites i malta either :P

*imagining a drunk maltese guy trying to light fireworks indoors*
they went off while mixing chemicals, not when they were launched.
i think cyb is one of the surviving victims with no arms and legs :XD
if so, how would i be typing this reply and playing cod4 with you?
when i was younger, I always sucked my lips into bottle =(
thats why glass literally sux ;p
euro sucks tbh
blame toxic
Seen that on euronews.. welcome to the block maltesers!
went to buy shoes payin with maltese lira, took the guy 5 minutes to calculate how much change in euros he should give me lol

anyways, i enjoy the celebration, im surprised u arent fed up of fireworks livin in sliema like i do, seein them so often takes away the 'amazing,beautiful' aspect of them really.
but new years eve you have to shoot fireworks!! its a tradition!

And yeh, sometimes it takes people awhile to figure out the cost in euros :P
i dont know but i think there are normally fireworks done by the valletta waterfront, i could be wrong.
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