crosshair shaking up and down makes me feel like ...

what should i do when the ch is moving up and down?
i mean then it doesnt matter if you aim for the head coz you could be shooting above his head coz of the ch movement,,
do real pros know where to aim if ch is moving up and down to get hs?
or do they aim for the feet?or maybe (on very long distance whe crosshair is moving along a y distance more then the height of an enemy soldier) do they aim way below the enemy or way above??
how do you guys do it? or do you just go lotto lotto lotto is my motto mafaxa?
try space in the future, not going to read it anyway
what are you talking about?
try format c
do you even have a config?
You hit where you would've hit if your crosshair hadn't moved.
If you're talking about damagefeedback.
press ctrl

bind ctrl "+aimbot"
listen to him, he got experience with that :x
hell yea, alleen bij mij staat op ctrl stats
en je move forward staat op w ?
kik_nodmgfeedback "1"
download a cfg ...
The screenshaking is a gfx effect which you should ignore. Knockback is a far bigger bitch, thats why crouch +forward is so nice at long range, as it counters the knockback you get when you get hit.
hmm maybe im confusing terms here.. what do you mean by knockback? is that the movement of the crosshair up and down:< im talking about when someone is shooting at you and then your crosshair is moving up and down.. is that knockback?
screenshake = you get hit and xhair shakes, but bullets keep going in same direction
knockback = you get hit and get 'knocked back' by bullets, your aim will be thrown off depending on which angle he was hitting at.
holy crapius man... thats something new again, and how does this manifest itself this knockback effect? does the chair temporarily move to the opposite direction your being shot from, or does your whole body move but your chair stays at the same position?
you seem to knowmuch about this.. i finally want to remove my doubts about this once and for all ... can you plz help me ? :3
and then the question is does my bulletline also follow the movement of the crosshair as it moves up and down? and then where do you guys aim if its really moving up and down and your shooting at the enemy? sometimes maybe you hit even above or below enemy so it compensates for the oscillations?
wtf you mean by "helping" ? :D
help me up man.. im falling i nthe abyss.. and i have no wings... oh brother plz save me im falling...
you've taken some mushrooms or what :::D
I hope to God he has, because if this is his normal behaviour... xD
me too :D
Aim the same way you would aim without screenshake, but if the screenshake comes from being shot at, your spread will be huge resulting in terrible accuracy with any other weapon than the sniper rifle.
ololo its you my friend manolo :>
hax remove this
you seem to be pretty desperate but just keep firing like you would receive no damage at all. 4.07 -> a good example of this xD
ah shit man now my whole pc is filled with spyware
get no recoil cheats
im not even sure what it all means... recoil knockbakc.... screenshaking all im talking about his he fucking crosshair moving up and down jesus fucking hell.. this is funny I playing this game for 4 years and i asked manytimes about this and i never understood this shit,,, nobody ever could explain to me :'(
Crosshair moving up because of shooting = recoil.

Solution: move your mouse down

Crosshair moving up and coming down automatically = screenshake (put all settings beginning with cg_bob... to 0 btw).

Solution: don't react to it, but keep in mind you have high spread if the screenshake is knockback (= screenshake that comes from receiving enemy fire). Secondary solution: don't get hit 8]
oh thank you vanahaomena this is cool... so your telling me the bulletline doesnt itself get affected... like if crosshair moves up and down coz your being hit by an enemy your bullets still fly in the direction that you originally aimed but only with a larger spread?
Exactly! Some people pull down the crosshair when they get shot, but it's a mistake.
man thats cool thats cool... but why should i trust you maybe you r only telling me this coz you want to pwn me in combat and you r deceiving me... do you have a link t osome article about it?
Ha, you can test it yourself 8]. It's most noticeable with panzerfaust, riflenade or sniper since they're the only weapons that don't have spread.

Go somewhere as a rifle engineer, and fire the riflenade somewhere. Then, ask your friend to teambleed you by several bodyshots while you shoot another riflenade - if you don't move your mouse, the second riflenade will land to the exact same place even though your crosshair is now shaking... If your friend is in the opponent team, the bullets will push you a little bit but it'll still land near the first one...

If some decent article is written about this, it will agree with me, don't worry.
ok thank you mr vanhaomena your a real mansfriend i give you 5 stars from my rating box thank you again :D
when does your crosshair move like that?
fast movement + some lag skilllll
i am asking myself the same about a year
NOP the call to damagefeedback
pmove_fixed 0.
hi darnok what r you thinking? r you a skilled master?
delete the ET folder
but then i cant play
you can, you just never tried it
should I go for it?
yep try it and you will be our hero
who r you with? did the black nights make you do this? for i am faromon the great conquerior I shall slay you now for ponerding such eveil deeds
su and gtfo
thank you
your tough now i can see your very tough.. su and gtfo oh wow your really firing it up now
>:<:><:><:><:><:<<<<>:::<: <: >::: <><::< ><<: wunderbar!
emo boy wins
learn how to use your stamina and get better movements
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