yea sure[fusengate08]

Quote Zenix (ReZTa (brother, same house) bought cod2 hack (verified))

oh c'mon...
perfo had ban for the same excuse... so why not ban this guy?
lets remove all names from teh list, fosho they will think of some nice excuses soon
true. very weird. but: adminfriends > *
no they all use same excuse, or my bro did it , or yeah wrong ip proxy check it ..
ye sure
funny dude you might not believe it but most of the old school Dutch ET community has known for years that rezta = zenix's brother.
Most of us also knew that zenix has been rly ill and has been in the hospital for months lately.
If you don't believe this that's shit for you but it's a true story....
might be true but might also be perfect excuse for dont get banned ?
you mean they both should be banned becase one (1) bought a cod hack?
no im only saying that he was at the hospital and stuf could be a really good excuse to not get a ban...
sure thing it could be, you gotta consider now that they are actually brothers and its nowhere near for an excuse.
im not saying i dont believe that they are brothers but with the excuses of some ppl like it was my bro and diff ip u gotta have very good evidance to convince ppl that u dont lie
same ip = most likely brothers

both say same story and elder one bought it

aint that clear then? what proof you need? proof that another brother didnt use the hack?
well dont ask only me for proof cause even if u convince me other ppl most likely still will say that he cheated...
But seeing there's 2 nicks on cb registered with the same ip, they both been in many the same clans. Playing officials at the same time... with diffrent guids and recorded on demo, and also seen by admins, referee's and on ETTV. That pretty much proves they are 2 diffrent ppl, so it is without question they're brothers.... :S

Ppl using the excuse of "it was my brother" never have these proofs so :X
i dont say i dont believe that they arent brothers, i only say it could be a really good excuse to say tha his bro downloaded it when he was in hospital, but he's already unbanned
is that you?
When do we have to stop explaining that rezta really is his brother?!
when ur bro convinced us that he is truely ur bro and that he used hax
kenta doesn't hack, it was teh proxy!!!
but he was in hospital!
not funny!
You guys are all retarded.
see ya @ cdc4
but this is so true YO !
everyone in the list who has a brother or a gaming sister/.. will be removed soon!
so, they can both continue playing ? =O
Crossfire = Retard community.

Banning everyone -.- No matter what they have done..
He proofed that Rezta is his brother so stfu retard
If you arent part of the dutchy community i recommend you stfu.
stfu? because im right? he should be banned... there is no way to prove who bought teh hax...

so im going to buy humanized aimbot and i will say - it was my brother when he was @ home for christmas... just check there is a chacker form random polish city with uni... it MAY be true but not must be...
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