Sony PS3

Was considering to get one , anyone of you has the Sony console and if you do

is it A : Definitely worth the money !
B : Quite okay , thought it was better
C : Better spend it on something else
D : Considering? It's trash.

Need some opinions.
And if possible a link to a store with a cheap prize for the console ( Belgium / Netherlands Links prefered.)

thx a lot !
C for sure :>

its a fact that PC > consoles, but if you have plenty of money, sure buy it there are some really good games on it and its worth of but oh well.. your choice
I think so too PC > Console but i used to have a ps2 , got rid of it 2 years ago smt and well if im bored i played on it.

But ps3 is valued at 399 E here and i don't know if it's that good to spend that amount of cash on it.
i got ps2 aswell and it was good fun, especially if you got a lot friends coming over and such.. great fun. average multiplayer games > uberawesome singpleplayers :) I wouldnt buy if you are only playing singles
Agreed , used to play Mario Kart on a nintendo for hours vs friends.

on Ps2 always played Fifa and Lotr with friends , was always fun. Are ps2 games ps3 compatible btw and do you have a ps3 ?
no i dont have it ( no money :p )
some ps2 games are, most of them can't be played on ps3 =<
mario kart on N64 is rly good
I always play it when some friends are coming over
I love it
buy a 360, unless you like the bluray player
I hate Xbox controllers
true, thats probably the mainly big reason why people but the ps3 instead
get a Wii
too less games atm
There are no 'killer' license games out yet but situation might be way different in next x-mas. Ps3 is great as a media player also, at least 60gb version.
A -> The media player thingie rocks and alot of games are cmmng soon.
can you explain what the media player does? I don't know anything about the thingy :-)
Blu-ray obviously with hdmi-ports and punch of many other inputs. If you buy 'normal' blu-ray player, it costs more than ps3 costs itself.(blue-ray = "next generation" dvd with capacity up to 50gb, maybe 75 soon"
+great playback features such as divx
Nou je kan dus vanaf je PC films streamen naar je PS3 en op tv af laten spelen. Dus je hoeft niks te branden. Er zullen vast nog meer voordelen aan zitten maar ik heb mn PS3 ook nog neit zo lang :p
there are almost no games you faggot :s
just buy a 360 like i did,there are more games on 360 and its cheaper
or is it? hd dvd drive is like 200 =d so is it rly that much cheaper? =)
i dont use that anyway so its cheaper for me
so why wont u say "its cheaper 4 _you_" :p
Get used to 360 controlers, it has way better games.
A, cos ps2 is so fuckinG lovely too. so I think PS3 is like <3<3<3 :)
A A A A A A !
vergelijk et zeer goed me ne xbox360 e! ik weet ni wa et beste is ma maak goei keuze ;)
Xbox 360 + modchip > all
A) I actually bought the thing unlike most ppl here
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