my ugly friend got this problem

he is using vista,

image: errorfe4]

thnx in advance.

( I am talking about the almighty 0V!E )
1. format c

2. install windows xp
funny, he got a new pc since 2 days
Quote1. format c

2. install windows xp

dunno whats so hard to understand...
makes it even easier and more logic to format c and install xp.

would be more of a hassle when you have it for months/years and all your progs and docs are on it
i havent got this problem

hahaha :D
Windows VISTA is teh first and only step to choosing OS for human beings - Linux.
that sucks :<
reinstall = solution for every problem :D
this may be a new problem...i cant help...
" he is using vista, "
its not that bad problem.. just format and install xp.. done!
try running it as an administrator? and/or use the compatibility as XP, (or something like that, have mine in finnish)
Maybe running on 64Bit?
Or doesn't make any difference?
Wandaa on the button, run as Administrator. And run any third party svr browser / game launcher as admin too.

PS: When u come to the "i wanna patch my mouse but i cant coz im using vista" dilemma, check my journal :P
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