Desktop Vista
3 Jan 2008, 01:26
Wheay!! Just got my new laptop and my desktop looks abit dull.. ;/
I seen alot of really kool dektops on here tht are used on vista, with like kool icons n shit..
so yh! how do i get all tht?? thnx for the help yo
xx :D
I seen alot of really kool dektops on here tht are used on vista, with like kool icons n shit..
so yh! how do i get all tht?? thnx for the help yo
xx :D
Edit: windows vista areo theme is pretty noice btw!
He wants to tune his vista looks imo
Then i said, the vista areo theme is nice, thats bcoz his laptop is more than likley set to use vista basic, bcoz its a laptop, and it doesnt have quite as much resources as a PC, during the Vista install, it asks if ur using a PC, or laptop, for this reason., But he probably can change it to Areo, wich is nice!
So to come to my piont, i know hes using vista, i read his message.
I told him bcoz i use them!
It's just that I downloaded some tools that I used on XP to find out that they work in any way :x
aero was default enabled on my destkop btw ^^
Depends on the brand perhaps
Edit: BTW vista users, go to the journal in my profile for a mouse rate patcher.
My mistake , im tired :<
or even
format - install linux
or not, because IM FUCKING PISSED ATM
my fucking linux aint wanna let my cell phone connect