logitech G5 problem!

hey guys!

i have my logitech g5 for 3 months but now it starts doing weird shit!
sometimes when i shoot it just stops shooting (still able to move the mouse) and i have to click again to shoot again.. this is really anoying me.. i tried everything possible:

\ with and without drivers
\ got a new mouse at the store (they gave me new a g5) But still same problem
\ virusscan+the cleaning things from windows
\ tried 5 different USB ports
\ tried the other mouse port i have.. forgot mine is broke so nothing happend ;)

the guys at the shop said i could bring it over.. but my problem is that i need my pc before saturday.. i got to practise saturday and sunday for sunday's cup final again gamedivision

please help!

thanks, Impulz

edit: fixed after ages!
sounds weird, cant help u sorry
buy MX518
sounds like a broken cable... just weird that you got the same problem with a new one.
you have probs only with et?
don't play any other games + in windows you never hold mouse1 down
i had similar problem with damaged cable just where it attaches to the mouse. I couldnt turn left :O But everything else was ok!

I had lost warranty so i opened it and moved the cable slightly then closed again i managed to get 2 weeks out of it then it died, poor mouse :)
:( but dont you think its weird that the exact same problem that i had with my old mouse is happening with my new?
yeah do you jerk your cable a lot ?
nope.. hole cable is relaxed while im playing only the begining part you know the closest to your mouse is moving around
heb ik ook dan zit er ergens een kabelbreuk
maar hoe raar zou dat zijn... ik had het met die ouwe en nu met een gloed nieuwe ook?
I had that problem also, but it doesnt happen anymore
what did you do about it please help me :D:D
sent it back, they said nothing was wrong sent it back and it worked :D
i allready have a brand new one
maybe you have some weird script bound to your shooting button instead of just +attack ?
I've got the same problems with my G5, cable break :/
After I made use of the guarantee I got a new one from the shop. But now, after playing 4month with my new G5 I've got the same problems again.

Touch the first 3-5 centimeters of your mouse calbe behind the mouse to find out if you've got a cable break (the powersupply will break down)
nothing happening guess that is because mine is brand new..
I love my g5 :) wtf are you guys doing with yours ? i bought it just when it came out, and still working fine.
nothing really... never even mashed it on the the table... this one is even brand new...
Well, obviously there's something wrong with your pc, not with your G5, if the guy gives you a new mouse and it's still the same problem...
what could it be.. usb port all broke?
buy new pc :)
thanks dude! really helping me out..
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