i need your help cfg masters

/bind mouse3 kill ; forcetapout 1
Thats my bind in cfg for forcetapout.

But problem is: lets say there is 3 secs left till my spawn. And then someone kill me ( 3 secs before my spawn ). And the problem is I cant tapout with space soo fast , thats why I get fullspawns. How to fix that ?

P.S: 2 months ago everything was ok. If someone killed me i did the tapout with mouse3. Smthing changed ingame :o :()

help kthx & soz for engrish
the 1 has 2 go
heh whut?
bind "mouse3" "kill; forcetapout"
and tap out with mouse3 ._.
there is no problem here
Actualy the 1 behind forcetapout isnt nescesary. You can just tapout with your sk button dont you?

Or just bind: bind SPACE "+moveup; forcetapout" :D
the problem is if I want to tapout with space it is much slower.
If tapout is set on Mouse3 u can tapout in 1ms
If you bind forcetapout on your spacebar too, you can tapout at the same speed as tapping with your sk button.
bind mouse3 "kill; forcetapout"

and just use mouse3 to tap out? dont use space
bind mouse3 "kill; forcetapout"

just copy that and replace it with yours in your cfg, its the exact same as in mine, and it works :p
bind mouse1 kill
i think that's enough
bind space "+vstr jump1 jump2"
set jump1 "+moveup; forcetapout"
set jump2 "-moveup"

problem fixed
bind space "+moveup; forcetapout" is enough
thanks Mr. I know everything about nothing
dont use space learn to do it with your selfkill buttom because if you typ while your still revivable and use space you will tap

bind MOUSE3 "kill; forcetapout"

do it like that... and you will see
Simple: just dont make selfkill
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