guess whos back?

ME - i was banned over xmas and new year so i couldnt celebrate with you all.. it were 14 days i spent in loneliness...
now anyone who gives me information about the person who banned me will get 1000$..
thank you
That is one brilliant sense of humor imo.
Quick way to get banned again.
sol/decem fo sho
as long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour, the instant the lightning strikes the tower. Everything will be fine.
trust me
back again
sol^ aka ^sol
guess who will get banned ?
, again?

as i speak for teh community as whole i say, we have missed you utterly and sincerely to the extend that we were all planning a mass suicide by swallowing enough coconuts that our throats would xplode up and we would all be dead
I want to see you swallowing a coconut!
guess whos back=kenta
i thought its kamz :(
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