anisotrope filtering

anisotrope filtering wtf is this???

should i put it on or let it off???

what gives me more fps???

greets rapeout
Off for higher FPS, on for better graphics.
off, only use aa
In 3D computer graphics, anisotropic filtering (abbreviated AF) is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles with respect to the camera where the projection of the texture (not the polygon or other primitive it is rendered on) appears to be non orthogonal. Like bilinear and trilinear filtering it eliminates aliasing effects, but introduces less blur at extreme viewing angles and thus preserves more detail. Anisotropic filtering is relatively expensive (usually computationally, though the standard space-time tradeoff rules apply) and only became a standard feature of consumer-level graphics cards in the 1990s. Anisotropic filtering is now common in modern graphics hardware and enabled either by users through driver settings or by graphics applications & video games through programming interfaces.
on ET FS & AA barely eat fps!
what would u suggest with a x1900xtx and a p4 3,6 ghz?
Maximum everything?
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