biggest hangover ever
4 Jan 2008, 14:25
Never had smth like that before.. drunk like 5 bears + 200 ml of vodka, bought 0,5 and went to friend on 3 o'clock :)
omg... I forgot the cheap wine.
Im prolly the first person who was said to fuck off by seller when wanted another 2x 0.50 ml.
And prolly the first person who underwrited the bill after paying by a card for vodka by "X" and was accepted in that club.
And my friend wanted to kill black man and I had to hold him whole night, I also think that Europe is for white ppl but it sucked.
Going to buy some water
And had to go @ 11 cet to university and it looks i didnt [pl, best music ever]
omg... I forgot the cheap wine.
Im prolly the first person who was said to fuck off by seller when wanted another 2x 0.50 ml.
And prolly the first person who underwrited the bill after paying by a card for vodka by "X" and was accepted in that club.
And my friend wanted to kill black man and I had to hold him whole night, I also think that Europe is for white ppl but it sucked.
Going to buy some water
And had to go @ 11 cet to university and it looks i didnt [pl, best music ever]
Hangover appears after 3rd day.
EDIT: "drunk like 5 bears" Is that like 5 x one bear-drunk? And how much one bear can be drunk?
about 8 drinks: each 150mml of whiskey and 350 of cocacola + ice - it was a juice to drink vodka ( 1l on me and my friend)
after all i drank 1 shampane and i had not got a hangover ;)
I don't get why you have a hangover
and your polish omg learn to drink
still not as much as that i would feel bad at the next day.
i would like to get drunk fast thats much more fun.
I also like to drink till 8 in the morning etc, but sometimes id like to be completely wasted at 8 in the evening and just go to sleep (it never happens though) :=).
No a potem sie dziwia ze nas w Europie maja za kretynow...
I fucking hate people like this.
Like someone cares...
I care!
order it from finland, we got GOOD water supplies