biggest hangover ever

Never had smth like that before.. drunk like 5 bears + 200 ml of vodka, bought 0,5 and went to friend on 3 o'clock :)

omg... I forgot the cheap wine.

Im prolly the first person who was said to fuck off by seller when wanted another 2x 0.50 ml.

And prolly the first person who underwrited the bill after paying by a card for vodka by "X" and was accepted in that club.

And my friend wanted to kill black man and I had to hold him whole night, I also think that Europe is for white ppl but it sucked.

Going to buy some water

And had to go @ 11 cet to university and it looks i didnt [pl, best music ever]
If I drank 5 bears him sure i'd be fooked aswell dude xD
how do u drink ur bears.. ? u use a straw
It isn´t a hangover if it comes from one-day-drinking. That is just a sign that you should drink more.

Hangover appears after 3rd day.

EDIT: "drunk like 5 bears" Is that like 5 x one bear-drunk? And how much one bear can be drunk?

image: bullshit
mhm 31.12.07/1.01.08 hmm
about 8 drinks: each 150mml of whiskey and 350 of cocacola + ice - it was a juice to drink vodka ( 1l on me and my friend)
after all i drank 1 shampane and i had not got a hangover ;)
This journal shows why we dont like polish.
so ?
I don't get why you have a hangover
5 beers and 200 mill of wodka...
and your polish omg learn to drink
and you learn to read :)
ok you had some whine too + 1 liter together with your friend.
still not as much as that i would feel bad at the next day.
you must be cool than, for me that was fuckin much
Not rly.
i would like to get drunk fast thats much more fun.
I used to do it 2 years ago :P Not really much funnier but cheaper for sure ^^
Nah. It sux! I never drink to get drunk as fast as possible.
it has +'s and -'s as everything else also.
I also like to drink till 8 in the morning etc, but sometimes id like to be completely wasted at 8 in the evening and just go to sleep (it never happens though) :=).
lol, kinda entertaining to read that !
Going to buy some water


QuoteI also think that Europe is for white ppl

No a potem sie dziwia ze nas w Europie maja za kretynow...


I fucking hate people like this.
[pl]Kogo to obchodzi? Oni i tak 'wiedza swoje'. Kijem Wisly nie zawrocisz.[/pl]

Like someone cares...
[pl]To nie znaczy ze mamy nie pokazywac ze nie jestesmy kretynami jako jednostki[/pl]

I care!
hi2u REAL poltard
Going to buy some water


order it from finland, we got GOOD water supplies
Like one in Nokia
I heard about a secret deal, it was sold to Sweden, dont tell anyone it could cause some serious action up there
it was a honest mistake by the employee which was on a finnish military payroll.
In fact, South America should be for mediocre-kinda-like-black-that-people-tend-to-call-Hispanics-because-Spanish-invaders-thought-South-America-ain't-
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