r_mode 4

Ive heard alot of ppl say its supposedly way smoother than any other resolution, but on my 19inch crt screen it looks weird.

Is it rly that much smoother or is it just placebo?

EDIT : not talking about refresh rate or fps
placebo, ppl playing with "shit" monitors that cant reach higher refresh rates on higher resolutions use it.
I use it although I got a pro monitor :)

not denying the placebo effect though
any specific reason why u are using it?
There is !
just feels like I hit better with it
you seem to know nothing
please enlighten me then as you seem to know better.
it's all about personal preference, i like they way it looks on r mode 4 and some like it r mode 8. even if my pc could handle rmode 8 i still wouldnt use it
okay, so maybe u should check the meaning of placebo now then! :D
i know that artist placebo, is his music style like in et r_mode 4?
r_mode -1

1280*720 without fullscreen ftw playing&moviemaking )=(
it has less resolution therfor ull have more fps :o
Dunno, I have always used it and still cant see any reason to change it higher ;)
I got best fps with the same res I use in windows (1024x768) so I just use r_mode 6

and maybe some people just find it easier to aim on pixels then on heads
oldskool players used to it because their monitors didnt support high refresh rates. Most 17" CRT couldnt do more than 85hz in rmode 6. I personally use r_mode 6 as it gives me a sharper image compared to r_mode 4. Could also use anti aliasing, but it eats fps.
ye agree on the aa, seems to bug up my ET when enabled
@ r_mode 4 most crt-monitors are able to perform at a higher refreshrate, so you could say ist smoother i guess.

edit: i used r mode 4 too because that way i could play @ 120 hz and i thought it made me shoot better but windows is fucked up @ 800 x 400 :D
I cant even use r_mode 4 because it doesnt feel as comfortable as r_mode 3. :XD (Yes, I can reach 120hz only with r_mode 3 but I still stick to 100hz / 100fps / 100packets. :P)
15" rmode 4 rox
The game is more reactive @ r_mode 4 for a given sensitivity.
i used to play with 4, switched to 6 later, na dit seemd that i hit much more hs with r_mode 6.
Its all placebo though!
got the same problem
im using r_mode 4 and hv 19" TFT and its great :]
i dont like r_mode 4 but i can get 120hz at rmode 6 so i use it for cpm and cod4
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