City Time Lapse

A cool Flash Time Lapse. What you do is scroll your mouse from left of the picture to the right to see it in different times of day. Thought it was kinda clever how they did it.

and not to make post too boring i have added this picture :D

image: 3mmoneyglass1
Was expecting a bit better than that :{
Just 6 pictures taken at different times of the day and put together :L
your a real smart one.. Now you know what time lapse means
Shit, that's what it means? :F
the picture makes the post even more boring because it
a) is old
b) has already been posted in here several times

but the maincontent is cool :)
Lol'd at the bus at the lower right standing there all day :D
must be a polish express bus
Dude, I started to move my cursor on this security glass picture :)
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