CDC4 hats and t-shirts ?

So as you all know the etqw scene is pretty intense at the moment with dozens of clans packing immense heat right now when the ET scene is pretty much dead. ET had a good run but let's face it, it's a cheaters choice nowadays. ET has always been kinda like the play ground for med skilled players that couldn't make it to the top in other games like cs and ut.

So why ruin the high skill atmosphere at cdc4 by letting all these "lol i know you cheat by looking at my stats"- noobs in ? I think instead we should maybe just play the ET tournaments with ETQW players, that way we would atleast see high skill matches. I mean who want's to see another Matias in the finals embarrassing the whole gaming community, not me. On the other hand you could make ET noobs pay double entry fee for being so terrible and use that money to boost up the ETQW prize money pot wich would make the scene really hungry and the matches into super high skill! All the best ET players like hentai have already moved on to ETQW so ET is left with only the worst and some cheaters here and there and goddamn everywhere.

The bottom line is that i wanna see some high skill action at CDC4 and that won't happen if we take the scum that they call the "ET scene" in it. ETQW is better in every aspect and should be treated in a manner according to it.

Just as a counter measure for all the "this was totally biased!" comments, i will admit that ETQW has taken and isn't 100% super skilled all the way.
QuoteET has always been kinda like the play ground for med skilled players that couldn't make it to the top in other games like cs and ut.

lolled harder !
gtfo retard nerd

Nominated for Journal of the Year 2008.
xD n1 kullerva
i actually nearly cried when i read this. surely this isnt a serious post is it?
"All the best ET players like hentai have already moved on to ETQW so ET is left with only the worst "

thanks for the saturday morning laugh!
he missed me of that list of skillers that play etqw :D mwhahahahaha
All the best ET players like hentai have already moved on to ETQW so ET is left with only the worst and some cheaters here and there and goddamn everywhere.

As if hentai was highskilled in et.
Get your facts straight pls, and stop posting stupid journals if you have no idea whats going on.
Do you think the ppl on the CDC lans cheated?I rly dont get your point.
ET.QW has just lost his best team (dignitas)
now fuck off
100% agee about everything
LOL, I think you got hit in the head pretty hard. You accidentally forgot to mention that ETQW wasn't played at CDC3 because there were NO teams.
You also forget that if it wasn't for the ET players who are going to CDC4, you still wouldn't have many teams solely for ETQW. So I suggest you get of your high horse, get on your knees and bow to the ET community that is kind enough to give such a shitty game as ETQW a fair chance at CDC4.
n1 :D agreed
Yeah i figured all the med skills (ET ppl) would be shouting bs in the comments section, if you don't have serious ideas on how to ban the ET scene (cheaters) from the whole gaming community i suggest you keep it to your self.
My guess is that you are mentally disabled. qw freak
you are the one who doesnt get it, freak
Name the cheaters on previous CDC events, please.
There is keNta, but tell me some other names please.
butchji, qyz, blaz3R, spektr etcetc
butchij was never busted....
Only stupid players gets busted.
Any solid proof for your allegations ? Let's not forget he was pretty damn good at CDC2
What planet you from? :D
Planet life , epic fail :< Did i miss something?
Didn't you know zP! got owned by Belgium at CPC 2?
pretty damn good = low+ ?

blaz3R? What team did he play with?
rehzni, chaMire, Sweexh, perfo, keNta
i suggest you keep it to your self
Not funny, should have added at least a hint of truth in all that garbage...
mikä vittu sä olet tänne tunkemaan? työnnä se etqw perseesees ja painu vittuun täältä vammanen.
oot ihan vitun amis toivottavasti tiedät sen
Naurettavaa miten noin iso poika ei ymmärrä minkään tasoista sarkasmia.
Luulitko tosiaan, että tämän journalin kirjoittaja on kirjoittanut tämän tosissaan?
Kehari, polttouunisi on lämmitetty.
Nimim. "juonessa mukana"
This is the first time I agree with kullerva!
Totally agree.
Hahaa this cheers me up. For once kullerva talks the real thing.
Ofc there are no cheaters on LAN you doofos, that's why the LAN games are so terrible. All the teams cheat online to get sponsors and MGC's to sponsor their trips and then it's like a low+/med get together at LANs coz no one from ET has the slightest clue how to aim without a bot. Oh and ET scene .... net coders incident ... ZING !!
You can stop being sarcastic, they don't get it anyway ;<
Iam sorry, but CPC2 was not on a low+/med level.
Would actually be hilarious interesting to see a match of W:ET vs ET:QW players in "cs and ut".
quite a few ETQW players moved from a high level CS/ut background when it was released but i think most ET players played it instead of CS/UT at the time so might be 1 sided :<
Didn't know that. Fine, ET & QW players who haven't played those games previously, then it would be one sided the other way I think.
not really Oo
mAus is a noob, gtfo retard
i farted like 4 times while reading this.
unexpected, fatty! :D
cdc lan is ET territorium gtfo this community if you dont like it
you played bf2 that explain a lot
ill sex-o-fend anyone who takes kullerva serious

thanks for the laugh
my point is just that he's a retard
So sad to see that even the most obvious sarcastic attempts are swallowed by this community.
Funny read though!
lol worst crap i ever read
Enemy Territory - 25 teams
ET:QuakeWars - 19 teams

so ET had 6 more teams that signed up, and ur talking about ET going to die and ET:ShitWars ruling the world blablabla.

QuoteET has always been kinda like the play ground for med skilled players that couldn't make it to the top in other games like cs and ut.

ET is the playground of people who hate CS and every other game, so gtfo
Desperate that a 4years old game is more active than your beloved game?
kullerva, i dont know why do you defend etqw scene if there is even no etqw scene at xfire :) dont look at xfire comments and etplayers because avarage age is about 13 (etqw 20...) and 90% of et scene don't even get 40 fps @ their pc's. what's more kids like killerboy or other pokemonz don't play etqw because maus or mystic or whoever said that etqw is shit
mAus played ETQW l0l0l0l0ll0

image: gtfo.barker
i lolled as a etqw player :P.

Nominated for Retard of the Year 2008.
that's just a random peon trying to make some noise and gather attention, leave him alone and he will shut up
Aaaahh, how cute!

image: baby
kullerva is once again the voice of reason
Here i was thinking that crossfire wasn't asshole for "we play ET and hate everyone" and wrote just a simple journal on how i would develope cdc4 into a more pro-player oriented experience but noooooooooooooooo. Huge flame from the ET noobs who can't talk like reasonable ppl. This is a perfect example of how retarded you all are, just flame and abuse. I think you all just got angry coz i hit it spot on, ET is a low skill game for low skill flaming scum like you here spouting bs, so have fun playing togheter in your little cheater game !!
I wouldn't mind going into discussion with you but you're pretty much asking for negative comments towards etqw if you create journals like this. You know the majority of Crossfire's ETplayers are like this but you just pretty much placed yourself in the same category...
"the ET scene is pretty much dead"

"ET has always been kinda like the play ground for med skilled players that couldn't make it to the top in other games like cs and ut."

"all these "lol i know you cheat by looking at my stats"- noobs"

"who want's to see another Matias in the finals embarrassing the whole gaming community"

"ET noobs"

"All the best ET players like hentai"

"ET is left with only the worst and some cheaters"

"the scum that they call the "ET scene" "

And then you say:

"This is a perfect example of how retarded you all are, just flame and abuse."

now plz... grow brains
Well, you are talking like the ET scene is pure rubbish, guess what reaction you get.
You started with the flame, don't be surprised if you're repaid in the same manner.
You insult the ET community how mediocre they are and want to claim extra prizemoney for QW. Yet you failed to remember that the three CPC/CDC events in the past were a success because of ET and only because of ET.
And looking at skill, you will have to change your mind once you actually try playing ET. I could bet a lot of money on it that you will get owned by every random low- player. I also want to bring to your attention that reload and jakazc, two highskilled ET players, went to Quakecon and won the QW tournament, np for them.
So if you seriously still think you hit it spot on with your opinion, you better sign-up to a home for mentally disabled people.
u deserve a ban
The ET matches at LAN may not be as "High Skill" compared to previous CPC/CDC's but it doesn't mean the matches wont be exciting to watch or play in.
Splodgey, Sailor is dutch not german! :>
"All the best ET players like hentai have already moved on to ETQW so ET is left with only the worst "

image: zerglings11bg9

image: gtfo
you sick fuck, drunk again? :D
ETQW sucks start facing reality.
qw is awesome!
Haha, kukllerva just gave the whole et community a huuuuge assrape. Buncha retards. Gotta love it <3<3<3
ITJ trolled tards.
Except Solits <3
hahhhaaa jantsaa x) mitä jorselle ja muille kuuluu? :pp
Wtf! You must be some retard :DDDD This is the worst idea I've ever seen :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
:DD Repee kyl niin pahasti näille kommenteille.. GJ et players, keep up the good work ::::DDDD
Funniest and best journal EVER posted on crossfire. Kullerva owned everyone D:D:D::DD:
how could i miss this epic journal :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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