hope fully last pc journal

after my last journal (thx girlz 4 helping xD) i had a nice pc on mind but it was too expensive.

i'm in need of a pc parts (memory, motherboard, hardisk etc) with a very high stats, not too expensive tought, got around 800euros(can go up to 1k if its REALLY necessary)

start :/

(noob @ pcs)

a full specs of a decent pc plx
buy new pc
i need help to buy new pc, i need specs
if you dont need a new screen you wont get over 1000 € with a great pc
GeForce 8800GTX
image: Commodore_4032
Best PC Ever.
check my profil, cost 800

edit: without mouse+pad+screen+headset
with: gigabyte-p35-ds3, 450W chieftek
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