cs, man ...

tell me ...

how the hell can anyone actually like cs or cs:s? it's just so damn lame. I see people aim for anywhere but the head but still get headshots.

in et a headshot means a headshot, more or less.

cs .... too gay for words.
"in et a headshot means a headshot, more or less."

you're one of those clowns who whine about hitboxes aren't you? I said "more or less," not "always," btw.
you're one of those clowns who whine about cs hitboxes aren't you?
I haven't said anything about hitboxes. I just hate the gay-ass damage model, spreads and physics.
I haven't said anything about hitboxes. I just disagreed that comment.
if you disagree with my comment on the hitboxes, then you've basically stated your opinion on them. so much for "haven't said anything".
QuoteI haven't said anything about hitboxes

Quoteif you disagree with my comment on the hitboxes

Which one now? Could you choose pls?

EDIT: If you didn't notice it yet:

CS is more realistic than ET.
When I said "haven't said anything" about hitboxes, I meant in CS.

As far as what's "realistic" or not .... wtf does that have to do with anything?
LOL man. I hope u just acting like a retard.
QuoteAs far as what's "realistic" or not .... wtf does that have to do with anything?

Maybe the hitboxes are worse than in ET ?
Maybe "harder" to hit the ppl?
we're talking about games, you're using realism as an argument. you can't expect me to take you seriously.
so wheres the difference to CS?
play et

then play cs

and see.

it's that hard.
yeah play ET and COD4 and there will be also a difference :>
see, cod4 is even worse than cs. ANY noob can own in cod4.
that is what u did said......
I agree. I played some 1.6 in the Christmas time and it really felt like if I aim to head, I always die, and if I aim to feet I always owned... anyway when speccing others, they didn't aim any close to the enemies and still only hs :XD
nice to see some others who share my hatred <3

and ET isnt gay? hitsounds for everything and a bulletspray that are so fooking uber gay :x

ET is a handicapped version of RTCW lol, now thats gay imo
didn't know this community loved cs so much.

and hitsounds for everything? you must play a really old version of etpro.

you say et is a handicapped version of rtcw, but slam the bulletspray? it's basically identical to rtcw spray when ompared to cs.
you never tried rtcw or?
yeah and rtcw kinda sucked :/
was it too hard, awwww :((((
Actually I only played it at LAN with some friends long time ago, and I played single player through.
But I like hitsounds in ET and the tracking part is really cool. In rtcw it's more like who shoots first wins, because u can shoot so many bullets so fast..
yea thats true, and since its no hitsounds in rtcw you dunno if you hit or not :)

Shouldn´t whine too much about ET since i prolly have to start playing it soon lol
so you proclaim yourself "old-school."

I have.

by that I assume you mean that et's bulletspray is more akin to cs than rtcw?
fuckoff plz... just think about how many player play that shit lame game. i ve played cs for a rly lil period, but playing css pubs and wars since almost the begining... and css is more fun than et. for me. and et still has more cheaters than css or cs... OLoL
why should I think of how many who play it? it's like arguing in favor of britney spears by saying, "you have any idea how many records she's sold?"

that was rly clever.
how the hell can anyone actually like cs or cs:s? it's just so damn lame. I see people aim for anywhere but the head but still get headshots.

it's spread and you can control it, it's not about luck as you may think

aiming in cs is prolly harder than in ET
oh it's "spread" is it? thx einstein.
I see people aim for anywhere but the head but still get headshots.

looks like you understood it very well in the first hand!
which says a lot about how lame the gameplay is
The probability of getting a headshot can never be higher than it is when your crosshair is at the head, so aiming everywhere except for the head is not a good tactic.
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