nick and tetsuo

cant make it to cdc because they need to celebrate their last 100 days at school

I would say they are fckin onliners

much love

peace out

Or cause they are nC related pwnators?
na because they are high +
Oh yes, 16 yo nC pownators.
dont be jealous cos i pwn you
yeah and i gave them free cheats , im a nC vendor BTW
oh no, hax ban
lol last 100days@skoool(paaaaarty 101days also) >>>>>CDC
idd.. thats what i said, cl is kinda mad
Are you kidding me? At CDC you can party 24/7 tbh if you want...
i really hope that was sarcasm :S
meende gij da nu? echt jongn kende da een leven? ik wil mss ni van achter mijne pc feeste
:DDDDDDDDDDD, gij hebt dus nog nooit naar cdc geweest zo tezien ;)
CDC bestaat niet enkel uit PC PC PC hé ...
ik ben er zelf nog niet naartoe geweest, maar het lykt me logisch datter meer dan genoeg tijd is om de andere gamers te leren kennen, om feesje(s) (?) te bouwen enz ..
beetje logica kan geen kwaad ..
nieuwe games leren kennen pls, feesje bouwen met mensen die ge me moeite kent, fun fun
ooh :o
jy moet wel een HEEL sociaal leven hebben als je zo denkt ...
mensen leren kennen met uitgaan? die ken je eerst toch ook niet? misschien ongeveer hetzelfde?

haha echt? kom ke zo grote muil opzette in rl gawe dan ke zien oeveel vriendjes daj ebt
nC community ofc~!
ye now they found a reason to not go, I knew they wouldn't go :)
retard kspeel al langer ET dan u en gebt geen reden om te insinueren da ik cheat, en kging zeker gaan als het nie op mijn 100 dagen viel domme gast moe ni te fel zijn altijd
zo stoer zeg :(
rauwen beer he diejen tetsuo xD
well said jere ^^
hij heeft tege mij gezegd datem wel cheats op zen pc heeft staan, maar hij gebruikt ze nie

enkel vroeger is op public ofzo

das pas rauw!
tetsuo on 06/01/08, 17:19:05 PM | Reply

haha echt? kom ke zo grote muil opzette in rl gawe dan ke zien oeveel vriendjes daj ebt

vinde da nie het stoerst jere ^^
muahahahahah :DDDDDD
lol, ofc go to the 100daagse :S Having it myself in a while and rly looking forward to it actually
wtf? what kind of school is that lmao? D:D
they could be right.. my school has its 100-dagen also on the 29th of February. So if i would have to pick i would take reallife over LAN tbh, though doesn't matter cuz, i'm not coming anyhow ::)
lol @ realife, my arse!
should i take such comments from a random jew? :D

I need sleep btw.. i wanted to get up at 7 o clock today to study you know like wutzafucka, but i only went to bed at 4 o clock :s so now i'm kinda sick.. should have gone home earlier.. i blaim you!
overrated anyway, parties after u graduate are way heavier
zie hier onze die hard :D
i go to the same school as nick so stfu
What is this "100 dagen" party? Must be one hell of a schoolparty to top any cdc event partywise...
In the 6th grade, last year of school, before going to university/high school, or just working .. there is a party called '100-dagen party' .

It is just a party when every last years celebrate the last 100 days of the school history before going to univ/high sch/ or just working.

something like that ^^
ye idd i doubt it would be fun for a nerd like you playing pc all day & night
Auw that hurt my feelings!
wii.. being stuck on school for 100 days.. oh plz lmao get a life not a school life
get an education retard, or go work with ivago dikzak
soz busy with education .. nP but if my school said "u have to stay 100 days on school" i would simply tell them to go fuck themselves..
i dont have to stay, i just wanna stay.. its a once in a lifetime event and dont wanna miss it cos i wanna spend it with some RL friends :X
so what u do with this 100 day crap? sitting @ school all the time or what? and.. its 100 days..?
we party like 3-4 days in a row .. and DONT go to school :<
dit is wel een goeie nick :DDDD
tetsuo obviously cheats anyway
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