net prob

Atm I'm using a public wireless net and it keeps disconnecting every 1 min, only "if" I play ET and with more than 40 max packets.

How to fix this prob? :p

I also tried updating the thing that captures wlan nets but it didn't help since there were no updates for it

I dunno if this is even of any help but I'm gonna mention it anyway.
The thing that capture's this inet in my pc has this thing called "HWprobe" thingy and next to it is "values" which is atm "000".

thanks in advance :/
Just don't use wireless tbh...
My wired net comes in 3 weeks :p that's why I'm using this one, it's only temporary :p.
Ok, nice.
Wireless always gives these types of problems, and the lags are really common @ wireless.
I suggest you either just play with this problem for three weeks, or just not play at all ;)
Ok, well, ask some1 then who knows things about Wireless, coz I don't, never had it. But I've seen lots of similar cases left unsolved because it's just the fucking wireless part that kills it ;)
Good luck though :>
and why not. im using wireless . no lagspikes , no nothing :) allways straight green line @ lagometer.
router is thompson st780 and connection 16Mbit/768kbit .

it was pretty laggy with older firmware tho!
conf your router!
Tbh it's only rarely that wireless doesn't give problems. You're just a lucky bastard ;)
Same, my wireless connection is uber! I just have to share it with a few other guys in my network but that's the only thing that sucks.
dunno fRod
if you play with packets 40 you get no lag?
nope, you don't get disconnected.. but you do get lags, only sometimes like 999 for 2 - 3 seconds.. every 1 min? :p
I have that too @ my friends computer! :[
also wireless
this is the guy who is afraid of losing points in 2on2 ladder XD
what makes you think that a rank 4 challenging a rank 200 is really reasonable?

and playing with a connection that disconnects every 1 min is reasonable aswell I suppose?
what makes u think that rank 4 or any higher in ladder are worth anything

and lag brings skill u know
not a lag that disconnects you every 1 min ... for mmh about 50 secs? and it's not even noticable unless you spec me..
I used wireless for some time (until I got mad with the lag), so I know what u are talking about... but eg. reload just got better with his laggy connection :)
Quoteonly "if" I play ET and with more than 40 max packets.

lol, that net should be forced everywhere
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