cdc4 signups

Looking at the number of ET teams that signed up it would be nice to increase the amount of teams for ET.

LAN's aren't remembered because they hosted the 100th CS source or 50th CoD4 lan. People remember LAN because distinguish themselves. CoD4 has lots of lans. Wheter 16, 20 or 24 teams would be allowed allowed ... it wouldn't make much of a difference in the end.

ET has no other lan but CDC, but it has 36 teams signing up and at least 24 teams able to attend. CDC should try to raise the amount of ET teams if possible. ET is far from dead. It still has an active community. Stars might have left for better sponsored games, but most of them will still play ET at CDC.

More ET teams @ CDC!

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Well u are right. And 12 teams is not much there are even more then 12 top teams atm.
thats a joke
Top 3 isnt the only "top"
agree but zey wont listen to me!
they said they would increase the slots, if more teams signed up
[retarded comment to agree with overdrivel]
hi blinky bill! sup?
i agree, but i didn't get with what lineups some teams will go for i.e. tag).
depends on what k1ck will do
agree honeybunny
It's the 1st CoD4 LAN, which probably means something more than the 50th.

I agree anyhow, but it's unlikely.
nice fail.
My fault, haven't really followed the cod4 scene lately :/
I agree as well, but i imagine it's unlikely since the signups arrived so late :(
it was expected to arrive so late.
Not my fault ;p
surely! But seriously what's the problem in expanding the tournament?
It's pretty late isn't it, with signups closed, and payments coming in from tomorrow onwards...It's possible i GUESS but i'm not sure.
It's very difficult to do - impossible, even, given the current tournament format is already stretched to the limit with the number of teams already listed.

It would be possible, at a stretch, if we dropped double elimination for all games, maybe.
Removing double elimination isn't a good thing. Maybe it would still be possible to have 16 teams playing, removing some CoD4 slots. I understand this is an almost impossible job, but for the next CDC it would be nice if ET were allowed to grow.

I know its a bitch with teams signing up so late, but its ET. We dont have any decent sponsors like ETQW or CoD4.
less teams means less games and removing double elimination is even less games = bad.

EDIT: Replace ETQW with additional ET slots.
that man speaks the truth
100 % agreed, but almost impossible
it is expected from a game where isnt big mgc's..
Agreed very very very much !
more ET teams at CDC ffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hf & gl @ cdc4, when exactly will it be btw?
i agree with all more teams for cdc it would be nice because,so far i know there wil be ofc 4 teams of them get an direct invite and only 8 slots left its really crap when 30+ teams signed up
me supports olo !
tried to sleep but failed :l now I try to become sleepy ^_^ bah, tomorrow school..
I am with you man! :)
I totally agree with you, overdriving! cya there! 8]
It should be quality over quantity imho
16+ teams ftw!
retard comment
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I agree, but sadly enough it's most likely way to late :<
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I feel ur pain man, moar slots for ET :O)
we will see 50% percent dropouts anyway
supported with retard comment
like this there will be 10 times more qualis than games at cdc
agreed. but i dont think that the venue has the space for anymore teams.
the location is 2 small anyways for all the clans + spectators
get a new location or just separate etqw + cod4 from et / warsow
wouldn't it make more sense to do cod4/wsw and et/etqw?
well it depends , personally i would prefer to see warsow.
i dont really care about etqw but yeah might be since some et players will play both tournaments
Heh then we might get there too lol xD
More ET Teams @ CDC4

decrease CoD4 Teams

and seperate the games: ET/Warsaw | ETQW/CoD4

CDC3 There were 24 ET Teams and 16 warsaw player sor smth like that. And that was nearly too much imo :<

24 teams for ET !!!!!!!! gogo
couldnt agree more!
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