"Yum Sayarot" :~>

In english its called field day
in this day you might enter to a spciel unit in the IDF.
the units are "sayeret matkal" the israeli SAS
"shayetet 13" israeli navy commando
and "Hovlim" which is to be a ship commander :x

the day is physicly killing you and also mentaly

the start is doing a test to know how to devide the groups with strong and weak people.

and now the real thing start.

you have 20 ppl in each group, i was group 1 :>
lucky number

at the start we went with all the equipment to a dune and my commander who guid us and gave us tasks is in the SAS so he laugh and said "we went so far cuz no one see us in here therefor i can do to you what ever i want and no one will know" remmember this :x

we needed to sprint a 100 meter on a very soft sand and incline of 35-45 degrees more then 20 times with out rests back and forword :<<<

only this drill cuz many many injuries like fractures and sun heat :X

after that we had going with sand bags on us, each bag weight 20 kg and then we needed to run and walk so on and so on :<
then we needed to walk with stretcher with 3-2 sand bags on it :<<
and also jerrycan (also jerrican) which weight alittle bit more then 10 kg :<

and for the final test we needed to dig a hole which suppost to be 2mX2mX2m so we can be in it
and we had few minutes and in a hard sand ffs

the results are not suppose to be told but think that the "gibus" (the tests for the unit you got in this field day) are 5 days and much more hard...much more
we are only 17

btw the temperture was below 10 and later was more then 30 :(
i care for you
i cant feel my legs :XD
and are u picked in to

in this day you might enter to a spciel unit in the IDF.
the units are "sayeret matkal" the israeli SAS
"shayetet 13" israeli navy commando
and "Hovlim" which is to be a ship commander :x

do you want to be picked?
already picked but i cant say where
not even to my parents :(
you can tell the inetz -.- or atleast give hints (sea - land - air)
all three :XD

edit: btw the all three units work in air-land-sea so :(
only way to get hard boys
some has amazing et aim and some got this :x
kennen ze dat in belgie ook dan :DDD
Bijna :P Wij halen negers naar hier die dan verloren lopen xD
what are you training for...world domination?
done that @ red alert 2 :O
this is so retarded
even more then you?!?!
you are zeh max retard so it cant pass the max
thanks for the compliment!
gl Ishai1337 <3
I know how much you care about the army so good luck again SouljA Boi 3>
woot woot
ihs techni beer-sheva XD
The proud israeli rambo army
you mean 17 years old kids :)
didnt sound too hard tbh, was expecting something more
In the yerman special forces they do this kinda kiddy stuff as a warmup before breakfast
Well done Ishai. (:
Funny thing is, that when you actually join the army, you realize what a standard day that was.
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