problem (gaything)

So I'm a little bit gay (not joking), but I never had sex with a male.
I met this guy at a party and he was so funny and nice against me,
so later, after the party we kissed each other, but then he asked me what I'm gonna do tommorow and I'm like dunno and he said as far as I know it's gonna be fun.

So thats my problem I'm thinking that he wanna have sex with me, but I've never had sex with a male, but I'm gay and I sucked only a males dick so ...

What must I do should I cancel the date or go on and give it a try.

p.s: It's not a joke ...

EDiT: It's something like this:

give it a try, take a video and send it to youtube -> post the link on CF

no i really dont know, you know: i prefer girls^^
i would say give it a try, if u are a gay, show that u r a gay, u know what i mean?
du hast es ja nötig gayporns anzuguggn.
<kito> @ 00:54 : bin im bett, lad aber (gay-)porns runter

so sinngemäß übersetzt

andernfalls schau ich mir deine movies gerne an^^
kito@1337analtime usw
practice on your little brother j
hang urself
erm say ur watching ur favourite programs.
Well, if this isn't a joke, then tbh just do it, give it a try, but be aware of the consequences (ppl start hating you, making fun of you, not that you would really care since you post this journal up).

ps. Ignore all the retards here who try to make fun of you ;)
Gays are peoples 2 you know, so I don't give a shit. ;)
Yea I know, but many ppl don't seem to realise that :S
They see gay people as a failure of nature, and some even want to get them exterminated. Try to be aware of the fact that everywhere you'll come people will hate you for being gay. Sometimes it can even turn into violence. To be honost I wouldn't advise going to shit like gay-parades and just telling everyone you're gay, since that's asking for problems. Just delete this journal, talk about it with the people you can trust (your relatives and friends), and don't be surprised if some people you actually trusted before just suddenly leave you, they can't handle the fact that you're gay.

Good luck with it m8 ;)
ok so u weren't serious ^^
I'm bloody serious but I was suprised that I have a reaction like that!
Ok, well, good luck then, and I hope it helped you a bit :>
i think he likes u ^^
no, I'm not an hero!
no, u are loved by a gay
u dont like to be loved by a gay ?
Well.. I got respect for all kinds of people.. Well i dont want to sound like im homosexual because im not but if you like the guy give it a shot. Its nothing to be embarrased off (Good english there).
50% of all animals are gay so why cant we? :)

-im not gay-
agree, and forgot to add that I'm not gay too ^^
You didnt have any better comment?
not for gays sorry
Well im not homosexual as i said. but i got respect for people that are.
i dont =(

homosexuality is gay
nice :D
u equate humans with animals :D
What is the problem with that? We are all living animals.. We have just been evolved a bit further. Its nature way that some people become homosexual.. Nothing wrong about that imo
We ARE animals, wether you like it or not. We have the same body-composition like animals do, the only thing that we are more advanced in is our brain, but even that animals have too, only less advanced (can be trained though).
oh cmon do u think i missed some biology lessons in school? the fact is that in human society being gay isnt seen as something "normal" u cant deny that.. perhaps it is and it will be in the next years .. but u cant compare it to animals..animals proceed without sanity.. thats the difference
that's only caused by the fact that people still show much herd-like behaviour, even though we are so "intelligent". The majority says they don't like gay ppl just coz others say so. In common the people who accept gay people are more intelligent, since they show their own initiative. I guess gay people will never be accepted since our intelligence is actually decreasing, maybe check this song out, it represents the current reality rather good actually, even though it's based on fiction more than fact:
thats ur point of view.. but i like korn ;)
Gays arent natural. "The mother earth" has made , that only 2 different sex can have children. That means , that the gays are pointless and should be eliminated.

That's what i think. And why should gays make "parades" ?
I cant see any heteros making a parade ?

So the gay thing is overhyped.

Gays are the disgrace of nature.
QuoteGays arent natural. "The mother earth" has made , that only 2 different sex can have children. That means , that the gays are pointless and should be eliminated.

That's just sick man, seriously, think before you say something like that. How can you know what mother earth "means to do" :S
You don't even know from what we originate, how the hell can YOU know what mother earth wants and what's good or wrong.

Many heterosexuals also don't produce children, should they be eliminated? Homosexuals can still be part of our society, they can still be useful for many other tasks, plus they show the same characteristics as heterosexual people, they enjoy doing things, they have feelings, they know love, the only different thing is that they are attracted to the same sex.

They can still produce children btw, by having their sperm injeculated in a woman, it's called artificial insemination.

I agree on the fact that gay-parades are useless, but they do that only for one thing, to express the emotions they normally have to crop up in their minds, since people will judge them for it if they just freely speak it out.

Be more open-minded, show less herd-behaviour, and you may achieve some respect in your life by the more intelligent part of people in our society...
Why should gays be eliminated? I mean, they do no harm, they can't even spread >.<
if he meant it serious he wouldnt write a journal about that topic at xfire tbh..
./pm overboost , not kidding here.
Too much info

random pic

image: 81ictvq
KY jelly + beer. gl
ask your mum or any other girl :d..d.::D:d..d.:D:D.d..d.::::d.d.dDDD..d.d.:D
do what you want, cause a pirate is free
u got that kind of problem and u ask help here @ fucked up ppl of xfire?
image: buttsecks2

maybe go to a gay forum? :L
thx I lol'd
gl at butsex !
keep it to urself
pas maar op hoor, hoorde dat homo's eerder op suri's vallen dan op blanke en andere zwarte =D
het is duidelijk dat je em niet snapt...
nee, ben ook maar hollander, kan ook niet alles, leg het uit, snapen de mensen die niet suri's begrijpen dit ook
hou je bek maar weer
100% agree :D

go for it ... >_<!
God bless evangelicists :P
it's your life, do whatever you feel comfortable with! (I'm pretty sure asking for advice here won't make you feel that way)
i do totally agree with that.
thats what i wanted to post, thx 2 u so i dont need to do it anymore :>
no mercy for gays!
tell u wanna b the man, get a but plug, if u shower DONT DROP THE SOAP
sell your kidney
to get a sex change ?:o
not.. for vaseline. sex change would cost 2 kidneys!!!

1. gay mariages - ok

2. gaytards wanting to adopt children => gas chamber

so hf unless no.2

but i still consider 'being homo' as sth unnatural
watch out for aids
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