NC anyone?

when the is this cup? i see NTs anouncements everyday, but when does it take place actually?
is your life will be better if you know the exact time ?

I do not know sorry
yes i must know now or i cant sleepy :< :P
they are lazy mofos check other nations cup they list the teams that already signed up and stuff
ETs NC is just boring !
it's boring to play et @ publics.

competitve ET > tetris > cod4 , QW ,Battlefiled , css
fu tetris > all
Fuck yourself, nigger
PES 2008 (without teleports...) > all
PES 2008 (with teleports) = ET (without cheaters) > CoD 4 >> ETQW > ET (with cheaters) >> CSS > all
dunno yet, waiting for admin :)
They have to choice who's gonna be the french captain :D
Sinus or douille, great deal :D
middle of January, i read for somewhere...
but than they have to make a short brake couse of the CDC imo... cant be an Online Cup and a LAN on the same date :o
halts maul mö
Waiting for Finlands lineup :(
halts maul chmö
go shizzlen kaqqnap
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