Zou jij poep eten voor geld ?(dutch)


ik heb uit betrouwbare bronnen dat dit twinz is.
wtf is it?
omg is that shit? :X
a guy (twinz) that eats dog shit for money and weed btw the weed was took from him by his school xD
thats just fucked up how much for eating dog shit ? :X
Lol. i don't even know those guys xD
just wtf
I got inside info that juA is trying to fool me again xD
Must be fake tho cmon :x
sexy hoor
hardcore sjappies :)
Schoolkids @ tarded for abusing the poo-eater his mental state which isn't 100%..

There was a whole drama about this when it was on the news a long time ago..
lol, he handles it with a plastic bag to keep his hands clean....and then he eats it.
deze is fucking oud niet normaal
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