
Crossfire is fighting against the fact that ET is Dead, but the way they've just organized the CDC qualis just shows they're going in the opposite way of their fight.

It's not needed to say in the CDC4 article that ET is not dead due to the important number of signups, you have to act in consequence.

I'm really upset

I was planning to go with France muse as a spec if they were able to qualify, but instead of letting historical teams and LAN proven teams, you prefer to give more chances to teams that don't give a shit about this LAN
i agree with this man !

and he is clearly upset
agree! imo if there doesn't change anything we just have to kick TosspoT out of here and vote a new admin who DOES support ET
yes, im sure it's a matter of just a /callvote kick Tosspot
Yeah k, I know it ain't that simple :p but you get my point! It's just not acceptable that the crossfire admin doesn't support ET as it should be..
We can only asume it's that he doesn't support ET as we think he should, however we do not know all the details involved, including me. I'd rather see more ET teams and less cod4 teams as well.
Doesn't matter if admins support the game or what as long as there's so many cheaters in the game, and the community accepts them.
what's your point against my point?
1) It wouldn't help to kick tosspot, he didn't ruin the game.
2) Really doubt you can find someone that cares more about ET than Tosspot.
3) LAN proven teams in ET are a joke. How many major lans has there been? How many teams/players have attended multiple of these? A few have participated a lot yes, but I'm sure they're represented in the qualifiers and invites.
4)Why should historical teams join, you think the old rewind/d' lineup has anything to do on cdc4 when they haven't played for ages? Or the old gunslingers or dsky lineup?
When I was speaking about lan proven teams, I meant teams that have the same level online as on LAN ( CoF is a quite good exemple )

Historical teams are, from my point of view, teams that still have the same name with 75% of the same lineup than the previous years.
LAN is way more experience based when it comes to have a stable performance. There is no doubt that many play better online due to the fact that they have their own setup, own routines etc etc.

Teams with 75% of the same lineup over multiple years, and the same name? Name 5-10 teams with this that are actually good enough to defend a spot.
kal :)
QuoteCrossfire is fighting against the fact that ET is not Dead

psssst ! :)))
Thanks TosspoT, Yes you can delete me from your facebook friends for the flame, but I will still admire you :]
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