Alienware 2880x900 Curved Display

Wow I want this.

image: img_be5055c8c613e01e7a73e850ff38edcf

It was shown at CES08 and has a .02ms response time. I would totally toss my CRT for this.
0.2ms response time
yeah right :x
can be true, I heard bull talking about 0ms
(@JaapBoerema) deze is 2ms ja
(@JaapBoerema) bull had het over een 0ms tft
Fixed: it is .02ms. :x
:O wow
no imo its farcry or crysis
xD it means WoooaoooooW ... :o
Can't find a price for it, I just know it is supposed to be out 2nd half of 2008.

also fixing my post, its .02ms lolol
its little bit too wide :x, but ya I would take it ofc :D
hehe looks pretty funny
i think i just wet myself :(
it's resolution sux.. they took two times 1440x900 for it.
had they taken twice 1080p reso, I'd drool.

but still, I'd take it. However it will probably have a massive price-tag
just sell your collection of comdoms used my famous peeps and you will have the $$$
no wai Im selling yours.
you cant. you ate them all already :O
what is that ces thing she is reporting for?
Consumer Electronics Show, it is in Las Vegas. Happens once a year and all the new gadgets usually get shown there, kind of like E3 but for other stuff.
yup, it's not a tft. it's a screen using DLP technology, so probably a projected screen, meaning crap quality imo
no it is a tft :S the screen is curved remember :S
No it's not a tft. it's using DLP-RPTV technology.
I don't believe the part with the crap quality.
I suggest you buy it and hook your PC up to it and tell me wether your desktop looks better on that screen than on your average TFT. I dare you :P

I can tell you right now that your desktop will be a lot more blurry.
check this ->

and check the pictures. On most of the photos you can see three disctinct seperations of the DLP based subpanels. Enjoy, rly.. it will not look good qualitywise. This is just a gadget, and probably an expensive one at that. nothing more nothing less.
It is also just a prototype though. Alienware stated that the lines would be gone when it is released.
Doesnt take away of the fact that it's DLP technology and that it will never reach the screen quality of a TFT or a high-end CRT. Not that it really needs to since the target-group of buyers will not be your average gamer, but more likely the gadget hunters.
believe it works kinda like that laser tv we heard so much about(whatever happened to that breakthrough)
nah, it's based on DLP RPTV (remote projection TV) with led illumination.

Dunno what happened with Laser TV's. but last I know they would start appearing in summer 2008.
It is projected but it give better colours than lcd but not than crt or oled.
colors yes, clarity and sharpness, no
But this concept is original, they can't do this kind of product with another technology ! :b
true, except come up with a brand new technology ;)
image: rech

cdc4 equipment
i take it thats 1000fps on wolfenstien 3D!
would be nice for watching movies I guess :)

what Hz does it have?
The only thing I can find on Refresh Rate is this:
"The company claims that this refresh rate is over a magnitude better than the competition. "

I wouldn't use any refresh rate lower than 100Hz for ET, but for other games (where trakinc isn't needed) this could be fine, and as I said, watching movies would surely be cool :)
1337 hz me guess
Theres a video about this screen. There you can see that it's almost as if they took 4 screens and put them together.
2x my screen? i guess its big, but won't be much of a help, so hard to play anything on a screen that size, wont see from side to side with one glance
Peripheral vision is especially suited for detecting movement. Seeing a wider area around you would be useful in gaming, even if your eyes are focused on the center of the screen.
get an oled instead super thin :D
image: sony_oledxel1profile_left_sm
oO u can't look at the whole display... so i guess you won't see all your enemis :P

so ALIENWARE foff^^
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