BiO Clanserver closing

Our provider (FPS Clanservers) is stopping service on 7th Feb. As it stands at the moment, this means that the BiO server will cease to exist as of this date.

I wanted to keep the server up after I stopped playing because it had developed into a public with a good bunch of regulars and it felt like keeping it up for those in the community which liked to play there was the right thing to do. This was only made possible by Kevlar and Slash taking on the admin/ref duties (and previously Jintah although 'kicker' might be a better description than ref...) - if it hadn't been for these guys I'd have shut it down long ago. This is an important point to be aware of since it's a completely thankless task that they have.

Anyway, my involvement now is minimal and the select few idiots who think it's funny to hijack the server because they're so fucking clever is a pain in the ass. This means that my involvement in the server is likely to finish next month. There's a possibility of it changing to a new location but Kevlar is looking into that at the moment and we'll see what happens.

If it relocates you'll be informed. If it doesn't, I hope it gave some of you a few good games over the years. :)

thank you
i guess ET is dying :'(
Omg PLZ don't stop!
Don't give in on those little hijack kiddies, it was bound to happen since it's so successful, instead keep going with the server, always love to play there.
Oh, and many thanks to FPS Clanservers for being an excellent host. I'd recommend them but it's a little late in the day for that...
2nd that :)
thanks forthe chance for some great games over the years jules mate. its been a blast :D
the server kinda went a bit off for me afterr jintah died, but it would have been a shame to see it close sooner than it did, as he loved playing there, so thanks for the chance to keep his memory going.
im looking into trying to get a sponsor for bio on a new ip and failing that, i might just have to rent one to keep it going, time will tell, and if sphere lets us keep using the bio name that is hehe.

if christa still played, they'd have been falling over themselves to give us a server heeh. :

anyone interested in hosting *bio* in the future, drop me a pm here or in #clan-bio

ty :)
why do you take naked pictures of yourself?
im not naked :( you perve :P
will 10/10 i-net do it ?
whats that?
10mb/10mb !?
i guess not
get a new server like bio pls :/ dont wanna paly on cybergames...
stopwatch is boring on publics anyway, i want efter back!

edit: thanks anyway
Nice clan fuck server ;)) bibuy bio
aww sad news :(

i enjoy it when i play there. hope you find a sponsor kevlar
shame, though I almost never play at pubs, I still have it on my favorites.
your so cool you never play at pubs -.- ... ... . . . jjust jokes ofc :p
I do, but not ET!
thx god new one is probably coming!
i've had 150+ ping there since summer

Edit: omg wtf fixed O_O
you aint gonna close down bio.. or death shall come upon ye swiftly.. :> jokes ofc no worries
end of an era :/
Thanks Sphere you have done a great job over the years! sad to see it go but everything must come to a end sooner or later. Oh Sphere if you plan on moving on to Warhammer gimmie a bell :P
I didn't play there so often (because I didn't like stopwatch on pubs that much), but still it's very sad to see this happen. Bio was one of those oldschool servers where I played first times already many years ago...

Hopefully u find a way to move it to another location
I recommend staying with them, but actually renting the server. You won't find a better server provider in the UK I know that much. Recorded pings of <10 when I was at my Manchester Campus last year and haven't honestly tried it while I've been here.

Get some trusty worthy people to set up a paypal, and get public donations going to pay the 10-15 quid a month rent. Job done.
id love to evan, sadly the reason *bio* is closing is due to them closing down :(
Oh, that sucks :\

no more public for me?!?!?!
Well all the good things come to an end someday. It was fun.
thx kill the server and never come back again
retarded admins anyway, bibuyZ
Because they don't let nC customer play there?
i dont play ET anymore, but from what i heard / read they are pretty much retarded. Even in times where i still played ET i never played on BiO anyway :)
Liked to play there half years ago but I hated to be on Goldrush as axis. :D That spawnrape was the shittest ever. nn
sad news RIP BiO :(
change ur retarded admins and u might get some support
it was the best public in ET i remember it was full day and night that was not 1 year ago
BIO, dont die... :<
why do they stop?
u dotn got money? if its like that maybe someone else wants to run your server ?
rip bio , rip ET :D
rip rqmbo
I can revive bi0 server if you want..
Like the last known pub left is soon dead too.
Efterlyst is dead2 :D
cry me a river...
I can revive the server if you want..:)
we will missed bio :c
JA! Dat zou leuk zijn, ik snap al niet waarom die altijd leeg is in de eerste plaats..
Reading some of the comments and i think a few seem confused at Sphere's post :P

basically the company that sponsor the server ( FPS ) are going out of business. Therefore they will no longer host the server even if it was paid for - because they wont exist anymore.

secondly, Kevlar is doing all he can to find another host for "et's favourite public server"

thirdly , if there are no takers to sponsor the server, Mr. Kevlar will personally fund the server.

Its not all doom and gloom ! ............yet anyway
Yeah sorry - when I said the provider is stopping service I meant they're closing down.
sad to hear

i hope you decide to keep the server going because even with it being so hard to get (awaiting challenge... 1400+) it's still one of the beste servers around
aww :<
Nooooooooo! ;_(
:( sad to see it go, but hopefully it will be back up once again. Maybe someone who owns their own server ( or a clan) can take on the config and server settings of bio?.

Keeping it alive.
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