thankum8 ^^

From new year's eve i had a big depression and i was thinking of becoming an uberemo
and everybody helped me who have some connection with me :)
so ty:SRPH
and some of my rly unknown class and schoolmates ^^
:) pls do not tell and stuff like (FAG) because i know that i am soz...
<3 ktyb
this is called manic-depression.
or faging around !
werent u saying ur not a fag in your last ''retarded'' journal u made? :D
exemos are nearly as suckage as emos :>
gratz, phases come and go. somewhat similar; i made a new years promise although i realised it only days after (that i had made such a promise) and the promise was kinda emoish if you think of it as an outsider.
but fuck it, things come to that, call it what you wanna call it.

edit..humm i need to rethink a few words.

If you are an emo plz stay out of public view so that ur sickness does not spread kk thx
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