c ya (:

mjallo o/

After a long time with just chillin', party @ weekends & playing, my rl needs more attends to.
I'm goin to visit another part my country (Jylland) and stay there for about 4-6 months.. :)
I wont have inet where I stay so therefore I'd like to say bb to this lovely community
for a while; v43 for lot of fun n' stuff.. :P
but more important send alot of <3 to my current team (re-play; toNi<3, Lazio<3, Griim<3, al<3, hell<3) for loads nice games and lots of fun these last couple of months :) You guys rock & gl in future!
& ofc to all players I know & played with HF guys and lots of <3! Miss ya' allready!;)
c'ya in 4-6!

lifers ftl :CC:CC

Excon im sorry :<

Bye <3
love you <3
GL :)
thx for good times :)

cu dude ;)
cya man, take care!
jail time? cant bother to read :|
Where exactly are you going?

hf whatever you are going to do, enjoy rl.
but still, not being able to play any more nP, but not even having inet? i couldn't do that, gl with it :p
bb gl rl
Take care xcN, you're a great guy!
vi ses xcon :'(

Håber du kommer til at sprede dit maling i jylland :D
bb xcon :(
alright mate - cu man gl!
thanks for the nice comments all :) <33
Cya m8 it was really nice to play with you, hope everything works out. <3
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