2008 oLoL

well, my girlfriend is out @ Luxembourg and i wont see her for 3 month
(then she comes back and after 4 days go again there for another 3 month)
its ok.

2 very close friend of my father died, i knew them well, rly liked them, still cant believe they have gone. (R.i.p!)

My cat (5 years old - he is almost the 6th member of my family) disappeared today, never did the same. I suppose he has been stolen. pretty nice cat.
in my profile u can check him (pictures about trevize) .... no i havent got hitcounter.

Exams, and i m too fucked up with thinking of my girlfriend, searching my cat etc.

so in all... this year starts like my worst nightmare. i thought 2007 was the worst year of my life. seems not. 2008 gogogo!

song of the moment: Matchbox Twenty - How Far We've Come

sorry for my english olol. anyone have more shit start of the year? or i win teh "yes u have reason to be emo" award?
who the fuck steals a cat? :<
thought the same O.O
a friend of my actually stole a *nice* cat once and sold it for like 200euros
he asked me to help him cause he couldnt sell it the cat at his house : <
lold about the guys who wake up one day and notice that their beloved cat just mystically dissappeared :D
for example if i find that person who stole my cat... i would kill her. without any joke. ok, just make him disabled. not kill. but being disabled is sure for him
dude i think this is not helping trevize
rofl...holy shit

go on man, its gonna be better soon
oh yeah im nostradamus
my cat also disappeared since yesterday :((
someone is eating cats
it disappeared today, meaning it can return at any time.
My cat walked away from home on 31st of december two years ago, but at around 2am january 1st my grandad encountered him in his yard.

Too bad about your gf though, and lets hope your cat will return
love and peace from your perfo
My cat is about 15 years old, and a couple of times she have dissapeared for more then 2 weeks and then she came back.
You shouldnt worry to much about it yet :)
he went for 2 years :?
ah.. poor you. :/
just fuck a hoe, watch dawn of the dead, watch lolcats and do a school-massacare, problems solved...
my year started bad aswell but look forward.. :D
:/ I pressed reply and I see your reply after me, something not right there :S
ooooooh noez. the drama has just started!
the cat will come back to its loving family :)
And Your girl will survive 3 months without you, and she will come back to you too :)
and killer song!
your kittys will come back!
15 years ago somebody has stolen my little dog :(
you should search for your cat here http://icanhascheezburger.com/
if you think it will be bad, then it will !

always think positive ! :>
yes you won :'(
you can always watch webcam Netherlands Visje :P
i m too shy to pm him for naked pix
you diserve the hell for stealing another ons cat.
as cats get older they desepear for short ammounts of time so dont worry bout that.

and bout your girlfriend im sorry but just go out have fun with your mates and time will fly by
Huh i won't flame in this thread then!

Sorry about your cat , because i really like cats , cats > dogs .
GF - well couldnt imagine being away from gf for 3 months.
Fathers friends - death always sucks :/.
u won ...

You have a reason 2 be emo - Elfi awards =<
you rly have a good reason now to be a emo gratz dude...
bazeg az én macskámat is ellopták... 6-7 hónapja :x ráadásul közel is laksz szal lehet h ua. volt:P egyszer láttam egy gyanús alakot aki simogatta, majd rá 1 hétre t&#369;nt el... hihet&#337;
:DDDD megöljük :D
luxembourg isn't that far from hungary, just visit her! 8[
For diffrence of u, this year started for me very well. I am happy, have good car, my gilr love me so much and have a lot of money + @ school i made all exams.
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