bodge job mods

do you have any pc/ play space modifications that you've carefully crafted from odd items lying around?
i'm not talking about off the shelf fans to cool your sweety ass down on a summers day, or that laser pointing at the middle of your screen so you can rivatune and play at the same time.

i have some funny ones that i never put back when i hung up my playing keyboard. for example i cut some grease-proof paper into a strip and then stuck it onto the ridge of wood my mousecord has to go over in the desk-draw so that it would stop getting stuck. this i count as one of my more celebrated achievements in the domain of "i needed to get out more".

i also took a big bad angry screwdriver to my ikea desk and removed so much plastic ikea shit that they had to open a new land-fill site in winchester. i made a journal at the time in rejoice, complete with a trophy picture, but my xfire hosting has since died because of the server switchover (hinthint!!) see

happy cdc4'ing
unban me D8?
one of ur old scc's works imo
ja wich of those 127819237?
aside from sticking my mousewire under a lamp as a cord clip... mmm not really :\
i covered everything in cardboard !:D incase of meteor strike
image: mikeoffice
Is that a G9?
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