So it's happend!

So I saw my nice boyfriend and we chilled out at his place we saw I Am Legend together.
So we are sitting together and hes going with his hand to mine penis and I'm like "HALALUJA" so I'm getting a hard dick and a very long one too.
And there was the question and he asked me can I fuck you and I'm thinking and thinking and suddenly the answer was coming ... and it was YES!

So first I was sucking his dick for 5 mins long and he was sucking my dick too.
And there it was the dick in my ass ... it felt like heaven to be honest :-p.
But it was hard at the first time but with some "vaseline" it was like SHOOOVE hup tie go in his ass.

But now were in love.(L) *THE END*

Greco (L) Bastijn!
eet drol
electric chair plz
haha what the flying fuck :DDD
You should write a novel about this case.
Congratz :)
Crossfire A Gay Community
Now u have one achievement congratz.
very interesting, make a clan with hi2u and call yourselves "homosexuals".
i hope this journal gets deleted. Fortunately i just watched my porn otherwise i would have lost my desire
this topic fails, describing gaysex can be done on other fora

done right? ;D
oh dear O_o
gratz dude :)
Account hacked imo

if not then go away theres no need to share this with normal ppl
Account taken over? Or someone really came out from the closet with a bang, lol. Pun intended. :p
gl hf =DDD
did NOT want to know this :S
I seriously don't know what's more frightening, you posting this story or the people saying 'congratz / hf' :xxx
mijn "hf" was niet echt serieus tbh :D
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