ET FPS Stuttering


i've had a journal about this already. noone came up with decent informations or solutions.

i still have this problem that whenever i join a server or start a server localy, i get these fps drops in a half second interval. dropping from 85fps down to 20-40 fps and going back up again.

a few days back i just quit et and started it again and after 1-2 quit/start it was lag free but since today this isn't helping anymore. neither an uninstall/reinstall of ET helped.
nor a complete new PB installation. nothing..

and i only have this issue with ET / ETPRO .. no other game/q3 engine based game.

does anyone else have this sort of problem?

oh btw, the stuttering begins whenever punkbuster is fully loaded, that means everytime when punkbusterb service got started, et starts fägging around..

no cpu affinity switching or anything else is helping at the moment :(
and yes, i've also turned off any security program wether firewall,spam/spy/virus protection.. none of them caused this problem..

just uninstall
im the scatman
I Am HardyRah!
plz hax off
Same problem here. I doubt it's a driver problem...
hmm .. i think it IS a driver problem.

it seems newer opengl games are having problems with something.

just had a game here, once with opengl and then with directx..

with opengl it stuttered like ET did.. with directx no damn problems.

weird :(
ET isn't a newer OpenGL game though. :/

So are you saying updating drivers will help, or are the new drivers messed up somehow?
well that i will figure out today. just woke up and am ready for work.

latest drivers are 169.28(beta) ..
What worked for me was changing the ET.exe process priority to above normal, because for some very odd reason it was at below normal. Only played for a bit after changing it, so I'm not 100% that fixed the problem, but I think so.
well i've tried that trick, but i had to set it to REALTIME .. and that doesn't really work out well as it interfere's alot of other stuff (drivers n such) so i also had fps problems with that.

what i did, which also worked well, was what i did 1-2 years ago.

i've set the affinity of the processes, which got started by a winxp user, to one cpu core and et to the other cpu core. with this i got rid of the lags.

so go and open the task manager, processes, UserName ordering and set all other processes to cpu core 2 .. and et to cpu core 1 .. if that doesn't do, then to it verse visa.. all other processes to cpu core 1 and et to cpu core 2 .. but then you always have to set the affinity of ET to cpu core 2 by hand everytime a new map gets loaded or a new round starts
And I don't have a dual core CPU. :)
OH .. damn, that's a bigger problem then.

try to have as less processes as possible!
same probs i tried lots of things nothing worked

i can get a solid 60 fps on doom 3 on ultra high settings, and i cant even get a decent 90 on quite low settings in ET.
hack netcoders!
its PB for sure. just try to connect so a server without PB and look what happens.

ich hab auch son problem, kann man echt nix machen
ja denk ich mir dass es evenbalance scheissdreck tool is.
denke mal dass es halt etliches im background abcheckt.
find ich hart behindort. sollen se sich beispiele an professionellen antiviren programmierer holen. deren tools stoeren kein bisschen und die untersuchen alles was gestartet wird und so..

mal evenbalance anhauen..

aber heute test ich zuerst noch einen anderen graka treiber.
wenns ein grakatreiber bringt, sags mir bitte. ich hab atm gefore 7600 gt mit einem recht neuen treiber.
ja hab gestern die forceware 169.28 beta gezogen aber noch nich installiert.

wenn du die drauf hast un als noch die probs hast, koennen wir das ma auslassen ;)..

btw, z3r0 meinte dass man die prioritaet von et auf hoeher oder ganz hoch stellen soll. dann waer's kein problem mehr.

is trotzdem nich sinn der sache
ne hab ich net. wobei das prob halt doch am pb liegt.
das mit der prio ist auch irgendwie quark, da das Problem nur am anfang von ET auftritt für ca. 2-3minuten und dann ist es auch weg. Beim serverwechsel natürlich wieder 2-3min -.-

glaub mit
/pb_sleep 420 hats mir etwas gebracht. jedoch größten teils nur gefühlsmässig.
heh, bei mir geht es garnicht weg.

oder ich muss echt mal 10 minuten warten.

und pb_sleep 500 brachte nichmal was. irgendwas is hier arg faul.
wenns gar nicht mehr geht, mach windows platt. das übel immer an der wurzel packen!
àlso hab nu mal wieder so gefuhrwerkt wie frueher.

alle andere prozesse, die als user gestartet worden sind, hab ich auf CPU core 1 gesetzt, ET dann auf CPU core 2.. un die lags sind weg.. scheiss muell hier
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